Thursday, December 16, 2010


I don't really want to see this movie about the guy who cut off his own arm after getting it stuck climbing, but the story is totally amazing.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Notable books of 2010

The NYT has compiled a list of the 100 most notable books from 2010 - of which I've read about three, but at least there's lots of good ideas for summer reading.  And I'm reasoning that since I don't really read non-fiction, that rules out half the list, so of the parts of the list that I read, I've got a 6% strike rate, which is nearly 10%, and that's verging on acceptable???  Anyone?  Anyone?  OK, fine.  Notable literature isn't my forte.  But I do love lists like this which you can save, and then order the books from the library over the course of a long period of time.  The library has been a feature of my life that I've been loving this year, especially the ability to get online and order your books from all the libraries in the City of Sydney network.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Food with a story

I love reading the food sections of various newspapers around the world.  I think that the recipes that are without a doubt the best come from the New York Times.  Never overly complicated, often a bit different, usually accompanied by lovely stories, and without fail - delicious. 
Take this for example - about a woman who owns an Indian restaurant in Vancouver, and was horrified when some men visiting from Montana ordered only meat, and quickly and happily turned down any suggestion of veg.  The woman told them she couldn't do that for them, and would make them a veg dish to go with their meat - if the didn't like it, they didn't have to pay.  All ends well, because they loved it, got their intake of greens, and happily paid.
Last night for dinner I made these three dishes of hers - kale, chickpeas and lamb, and they were beautiful.  We fired up the BBQ for the first time this summer, which was amazingly exciting.  Nothing smells quite as good as fat charring on a BBQ on a warm night.  It was all really easy, and we'll definitely be doing it again.

Buffy! But it's not good news...

Those who know me well, know I am a very great and long standing fan of the TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  So I was excited - only moderately though, because a movie length movie is only ever going to be about two hours, and it's hard to get all the nuances and sub plots revving in that long - to see that they are making a new Buffy movie.  Until I read that they are involving none of the original cast, and even more curiously, they are not involving the creator Joss Whedon?!?  WHAT are they thinking??  It's going to be a disaster, and so it should be for that sort of stupidity.  I, for one, won't be going to see it.  And maybe I'll watch all nine seasons of Buffy again, just to prove a point.  That no one but me will benefit from.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Bernie Madoff auction!

Awesome pics of items belonging to Bernie Madoff going to auction over the weekend.  I want the monogrammed slippers (and the ten carat diamond ring)!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


In case you were dying to know how my challening a recent parking fine went - it didn't go so well.  And I'm livid about it.  Some grumpy parking inspector tickets us for parking "within 10 meters of an intersection without traffic lights" in SURRY HILLS.  WTF!?!  There is hardly any parking not within 10 meters of an intersection without traffic lights in Surry Hills.  It's just that everywhere else there are signs, but there wasn't here.  Maybe if I was blocking traffic in any way or even not a local with a clearly displayed parking permit I would have understood more.  Otherwise it's just mean, and while I've never really hated parking inspectors before, but now I understand the impulse project venom and rage, and lectures about karma at the upholders of parking bylaw.  Rapidly.  Here's the reply I got yesterday.  They weren't even interested in my phots!!  Humourless killjoys:

09 November 2010
Dear Mr/Ms Jacobs,
We are writing about your contact with us regarding penalty notice 3052706223.
We examined the details of the penalty notice and considered the issues you raise. Based on the circumstances you describe we cannot, under our Review Guidelines, cancel or offer leniency for this offence. We conclude that the penalty still applies.
We acknowledge your comment about the absence of no parking signs around the area where this offence occurred. The restrictions regarding parking a vehicle within 10 metres of an intersecting do not require signposting as they form part of the general road rules. A driver must not stop a vehicle within 10 metres of an intersecting road without traffic lights, unless permitted by signposting.
We appreciate you taking time to provide photographs in support of your request for leniency.
Unfortunately, photographs taken subsequent to an offence are generally not accepted as
evidence when we consider a request for review, as we are unable to confirm the location and
time they were taken or that they reflect the circumstances at the time of the offence.
The person named on the notice must act by the due date on the penalty reminder notice. If they do not act by the specified date, an enforcement order will be issued and additional costs will apply.
We will send a penalty reminder notice separately showing the options to finalise this matter. If the person named on the notice wishes to dispute the fine further they can request to have it decided in court up to the due date on the reminder notice. Legislation sets this deadline and it is unable to be extended. Please note: as we have already conducted a review of this penalty notice, we are not required to conduct a further review.
If you would like more information please call 1300 138 118 between 8:00am and 5:30pm,
Monday to Friday, or visit our website at Our website outlines the fines
process including the Review Guidelines, and has answers to frequently asked questions,
standard forms and other useful information.
Yours sincerely,

Vegas loot

Firstly, we have some Vera Wang perfume.  Which leads to me *hilariously* giggling and asking people to "smell my wang".  And when I say "people" I mean Jamie, and Em, and Muz.  Although I'm seeing a few people next week I haven't seen for a while, so if you get it, pretend you haven't heard (read) it before.
Next up, my very hot dress.  Which I stand around in, legs crossed, hip jutting out, just like this picture.  Doesn't help me get a table at Porteno on a Friday night at 6 o'clock though - fifty other people were there earlier than us.

And last, because I really love the DVF "wild quail" print, a scarf.  Which I need to point out I don't wear with the dress (it's the same print).

So all in all, some excellent pressies.  Feeling very pleased about my new treasures, and also to have hubby home, even if he also gave me a cold.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Meat free Monday

Jamie and I have been doing meat free Mondays for about three months now!  And we've stuck with it, which is mildly surprising to me.  I thought Jamie wouldn't be that into it, but he totally is.  It's sometimes hard to break away from rice and pasta based dishes, but it's not like eating rice and pasta are a hardship, so we've been really enjoying it.
Our motivation is mostly for health reasons - really, we don't need to eat meat 7 days a week, and it's just so easy to do without thinking about it.  Also I'm trying not to buy unhappy meat from the supermarket any more, which means the meat I do buy is more expensive, therefore I should try to buy less.
Last night was a definite highlight in the MFM menus to date.  I've unknowingly clipped this recipe and stuck it in my collection three separate times over the years, so there must be something very appealing about it to me.  Which is probably the fact that it's spicy deep fried tofu with a sauce based on a wholly unreasonable amount of butter.  And it is OMG delicious.  I'd happily go without meat for something this tasty most days of the week.  It's got amazing texture - crunchy on the outside and soft and silky on the inside, the sauce is dark, intense, spicy and peppery, and it is totally fulfilling and delicious.

As if telling me once wasn't bad enough, telling me twice is like rubbing salt in an open wound.

Thank you for your interest in attending 'The Oprah Show' from Sydney, Australia. You are receiving this email because we have had reports that some of you may not have been able to view the previous version that was sent. We are sending this email to ensure you are aware of the status of your ticket request(s).
Unfortunately, we were unable to accommodate your request(s) for this ticket reservation window due to overwhelming demand. We will email you if more tickets become available for these tapings of The Oprah Show in Sydney, Australia.

We apologize for any confusion you may have encountered.
The Oprah Show Audience Team

Thursday, October 28, 2010

New Westfield!

When a new $1.2 billion shopping centre, containing shops which haven't before traded in Australia, opens on the same block on which you work... well, what's a girl to do?
During my lunch break, I (and every one else in Sydney) popped over to check it out and stroke some expensive things.  I only did a brief recon because: there was literally every person in Sydney there and you could barely move - even outside the shops, around 50 per cent of shops are still boarded up and haven't opened yet, I kept getting disorinented, and I'm going with Em on the weekend and wanted to save some excitement.  I did pop into Diane Von Furstenberg and smugly smiled at the sales assistants (Aprilyn is sorting me out with the same thing at a couple of hundred bucks less than you ladies are charging, thanks very much to the AUD) and Mulberry (leather! shiny! pretty!) where bag strokers far outnumbered sales staff.  I didn't have my camera on me, but this is an online pic - clearly taken during the press opening, because you need to multiply the amount of people by 5 million to get the effect.  Exciting boarded up shops include Zara - I'm happy to wait for her, our time will come, I know we'll have a very long and fulfilling relationship.
For something that contains the calibre of retailers that it does, I think the mall design is a little boring and uninspired, and predictably shiny.  But, whatever, I'm sure I'll be spending some serious cash there shortly.

New bag

I have decided I want a new, exorbitantly expensive bag.  And what better timing, you know, with the excellent exchange rate and all.  Or the fact it's spring - who doesn't love spring?  I have been doing a lot of research, and online stalking various candidates.  I have it narrowed down to two.  This pretty puppy from Chloe:
And this little lady from Smythson.
As ever with this sort of purchase, it really needs to be heart melting love before committing.  I think it's love here in both cases, but it's internet love, which we all know isn't the same as love in the flesh.  Plus I'm actually struggling to justify spending this much money on a bag.
Tally-ho, what have we here?  A husband who is going to Hawaii and Las Vegas for a week and a half with his friends?  The perfect excuse to look supportive while leveraging off guilt to get a bag that costs the same as an airfare?  The stars have aligned my friends.  Now I just need to get over the line with my inner Jekyll and Hyde, which goes something like this: Oh, pretty bag - yeah, but it's sickeningly expensive - but quality lasts so much longer you know - what's wrong with you, why can't you be happy with what you have - I'm a professional woman who is nearly 30, I deserve a nice bag - you are a total victim of fashion trends and marketing - shut up - no, you shut up.  Meanwhile, I've emailed the Vegas store manager of Diane Von Furstenberg (Aprilyn - very helpful), and she's got a dress and a scarf waiting to be picked up by a certain husband.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Are these people f***ing serious? My letter to the parking inspector.

To whom it may concern:

Please find attached a PDF of a request Review of Penalty Notice in relation to a ticket recently received, as well as photographic evidence to support my request.

I am a resident of Surry Hills, where it is often difficult to find parking. I have a valid parking permit to park in and around my street. I always obey parking signs in the area as I am mindful of my neighbours and the inconvenience caused by people not obeying parking signs. I received this penalty notice while parked on my street, for an offence unknown to me (stopping within 10 metres of an intersection without traffic lights), where I was not obstructing any traffic or disobeying any parking signs.

Throughout Surry Hills, parking is allowed within 10 metres of an intersection without traffic lights. The "intersection" in the case of my fine was a laneway, which I repeat, I was not obstructing, I was merely parked within 10 metres of it. I think it is reasonable to infer that where I was not obstructing any traffic or disobeying a parking sign that I be allowed to park on my own street. I am not disputing the existence of the offence, I am appealing to your reasonableness in seeking to overturn the $201 fine.

As evidenced by attached photos 3, 4 and 5, areas of "No Parking" on the street are clearly marked. Attached photos 1 and 2 are of the area where I was parked, where there are clearly no signs indicating not to park.

If the City of Sydney does not wish people to park in the spot where I parked, may I suggest that a "No Parking" sign would be of assistance to residents such as myself who are trying to do the right thing, in the case where "No Parking" on the rest of the street, and indeed the suburb, is clearly marked.

I appreciate the job that parking inspectors do in Surry Hills, which enables us as residents to park in circumstances where it would otherwise be very difficult, and ask that you overturn this fine.

Kind regards,

Friday, October 15, 2010

Hipster hate

Well hello, what have we here?  A blog dedicated to ripping into hipsters for their stupid clothes and their inconsiderate parties when other people are trying to sleep?  Not only this, it's a movement - a hipster hate movement!  I couldn't be more amused.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

All Souls exam

It's called the most difficult exam in the world, and earlier this year they dropped their one word essay question, the sheer thought of which is terrifying.  In fact all of these questions are.  Clearly I lack the academic prowess to think more than fleetingly about this stuff, but I was really intrigued by these past exam papers.  Especially the one word essay.  Wow.  I think the only question I'd like to answer is: Is it immoral to buy a $10,000 handbag.  The answer to that is clearly, no.

Monday, September 27, 2010

As suspected, the majority of us should not be wearing harem pants.


I'm officially old.  For the first time ever, someone sincerely told me as a compliment that my haircut made me look younger.  Pretty much since becoming a teenager, the goal has been to look older, but the tables have turned.  Now clearly I look old, so the goal is to be young.  Sigh.  Here comes 30 (March 28 in case you were wondering).

Bridge run

Last weekend we joined 35,000 of our closest friends in the Sydney Running Festival.  You can do a marathon (no thanks), a half marathon (no thanks), a 9k run (yes please) or a 4k run (are you soft?).  They close down the Harbour Bridge for the event, and the run we did takes you from Milsons Point (North Shore), over the bridge, to the Opera House, via Lady Macquarie's Point.  Which is reasonably hard to beat in terms of spectacular surrounds.  Ahhh, Sydney.  You are a pretty lady.  My goal was to get under 54 minutes (6 minute k's), and if I got under 50 mins (5:30 k's) I was going to be really pleased.... And I did 49:09 - so bring on the smug.  Which lasted about ten minutes until I saw the marathoners crossing the line.  Turns out I'm not so great.

Bebe Bunny

I've been waiting for Em to post about her new little baby before I did, and she has, so game on.  BUNNY IS HERE!!  And, just to make this about me - it turns out I'm psychic.  We were having breakfast two weeks ago at Cafe Zoe (a fav of ours and the Wheaters) and for no particular reason (other than I'm psychic) I announced that I thought Em was going to go into labour today.  Not one minute later Em and Muz walked into the cafe (we weren't planning to meet them), and that night she went into labour.  She was born quickly via a c-section, and the next day we went for a visit.
She was (and still is) very chubby, she has mum's nose, blue eyes, and looong legs.  Em was (and still is) amazing.  I'm so proud of her.  She's calm, patient, tender and you can tell the mamma bear instinct has immediately kicked in.
We've had a few more visits with Bunny (whose real name is Josephine Scarlett Wheater) since, and she's lovely.  So little and sweet.  I am so looking forward to spending lots of time with her and watching her grow up for many years to come.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Karl Largerfeld is AWESOME

This article bemoans the lack of bitchy designers, because bitchiness is the real reason we are all interested in fashion, and includes some quotes from everyone's favourite bitchy designer, Karl Largerfeld.
"When, back in the '90s, the Met bagged a Chanel retrospective in favor of a Jackie Kennedy homage, Karl said, "It's perfect. They can call it the Necropolitan Museum.
"When Pierre Cardin banned the press from his shows, Karl said, "That's like a women without lovers asking for the Pill.
"When nemesis/colleague Kitty D'Alessio was put out to pasture, Karl said, "The good news is that Kitty D'Alessio has been made director of special projects. The bad news is there are no special projects.
"When his mother asked what he wanted for his birthday, Karl said, "A valet." He was 4 years old. "

Current affairs meets the runway

In an article and slideshow on dictator fashion.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


In the last couple of days, without deliberately doing it, I've come across three articles or presentations on luck.  Which has really stuck in my mind, because I think it's really out of the ordinary for it to happen with that frequency in so short a period of time, and you are supposed to take notice of coincidences.  Is the universe trying to tell me something?  What?  Am I lucky?  Do I need to do something to be luckier?  I don't know... So then I got thinking about whether I consider myself a lucky person - which I definitely think I am in the general sense, but on a daily basis I don't consider myself lucky, you know, in the "gee it's lucky I won lotto, found this pair of diamond earrings and got sent to France on a food tour for work" kind of way (come on universe, come through with that one).  In large part, I do think people make their own luck - if you put energy out and work hard for what you want, things come back to you.  But that isn't really luck, it's more like a return on the investment you put in.  I don't think I actually believe in luck just happening to people.  Apparently you can make yourself luckier and lucky people have certain traits.  But I think I'll just stick to more tangible ways to get what I want (but feel free to come through with the lotto, diamonds, France scenario, universe.  I'd really like that).

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Snore. Wear a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and if you want to shock me.

Gaga is at it again.  Surely she's running out of ways to get more extreme?

Blog additions

I spend a lot of time reading things online - just an FYI to blog readers - I've decided that I'm going to post more links to stuff I find interesting.
Starting with this atricle on the Guardian (which I suspect will heavily feature in my stuff I find interesting links) about the Pentagon buying up an entire run of a book so they can pulp it, which I find extraordinary - really Pentagon??  Is this the best way you can manage this?

Monday, September 6, 2010

Time off and first day

So, I was going to be a good blogger in my three weeks off work.  Turns out no.  I can't believe it, but I was actually really busy!  I got loads of jobs done that have been building up for ages, and crossed almost everything off the list.  We also squeezed in a week in Fiji, which was nice.  I mean it certainly wasn't awful lying around doing nothing but it was all just so... totally non challenging.  Plus the food was average.  It would be great if you had kids (which most people did), but in terms of what we were looking for, it missed the mark a bit.  Even though we were upgraded to the presidential suite after I became livid after we were woken up by construction on our first morning(!!!).  I definitely prefer a bit more activity in my holidays, but taking the time to watch the sun set every night (aided by a large bottle of duty free gin) and wind down was just what I needed.
And then in the blink of an eye, the three weeks was up and my alarm was going off on Monday morning.  But it was accompanied by a lot more anticipation, excitement, and general feelings of positiveness than usual.  Today I had my first day at work!  It was quiet (for me, everyone else was busy), but it feels like it's going to be really good.  Everyone was very thoughtful, and I can't wait to actually be useful, rather than just asking a million annoying questions.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Being unemployed is exhausting.

I thought that having three weeks off work would send me up the wall a bit.  I'm no good at doing nothing, so I've made myself a really long list of tasks to do.  I'm only at the end of day two, but I'm pleased to say I'm pooped and not bored.
Today I went to yoga, supervised the nice man who works at Bunnings who offered to come over and change the lock for a reasonable fee (much more reasonable than what the locksmith wanted to charge anyway), caught up with Carita and Rob who were in town from Melbourne, dropped off my wedding dress and a pashmina to be dyed, got a pair of shoes re-heeled, got my hair cut, and made meatballs.
The dress is going ribbon (also known as Country Road blue to fans of CR) - I'm a bit nervous about it, but the ladies in the shop assured me it will dye well, and this means I can get loads more wears out of it.  I really love the dress, so it will be perfect for any fancy events we need to go to in its new colour.  And it will match the sapphires in my wedding earrings - important.  Right now I'm kicking myself a bit that I didn't try it on one last time in the wedding colour, but we've got loads of photos of the wedding day, and I am unlikely to wear it out in the wedding colour, so I just need to let go.  I'll update when it's done!

A trip to the zoo!

It's not too often that you get two baby elephants and a baby pigmy hippo in one place.  Especially when one of the baby elephants is a MIRACLE.  If you don't know the story, it's amazing - the zoo keepers thought he'd died on the womb, and announced he had died, but he'd actually put himself in a coma, and then his mum gave birth in the middle of the night, and they didn't even know until they came in for the morning feed and he was moving.  Then they called him Mr Shuffles before he got his proper Thai name because he shuffled like an old man when he walked. Cuuuuute.  The baby hippo was napping, but we saw the two elephants.
Hi - I'm Mr Shuffles:
Other zoo highlights included seeing the tiger being fed Whiskas milk (emasculating much?):
The meerkats are always my favourite, because they are always doing stuff and being curious and hilarious.  Sure, snow leopards are cool, but when you can only see a hindquarter having a nap, it's not so exciting.  But meerkats are always on the go and running around.  Even when they are lapping up the sunshine they are active.
Case in point for meerkats being funny - they have been given little cereal boxes to play with, and one of them got it stuck on its head and ran around for a good few minutes running into things trying to get it off.  All ended well, and the little guy got it off in the end.  And I got some serious comedy value.
Our zoo trip was curtailed by this nasty storm which hit us about five minutes after the pic was taken.  By the way - this is actually the view from the zoo.  Pretty amazing.
We had to go and see these little guys - the red pandas.  They are Em's favourite, and we all think she looks a bit like a red panda too.

A weekend at Cupitts

Last weekend we hired a little farm cottage on a winery just near Ulladulla that looked out over this:
And we spent a lot of time in these chairs looking at the above view.  It was beautiful, and quiet, and serene, and really nice to just have a weekend to wind down.  All we did was drink, eat, read, sleep, and stoke the fireplace.  Bliss.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Lady of leisure

Yesterday was my last day of work, and I now have THREE weeks off before starting the new gig to be a lady of leisure.  I'm thinking we'll go somewhere (Fiji is the front runner) for a week, but the rest I'll be here doing lots of jobs that need to be done and also taking some time to just chillax and clear out some headspace.  And since I'll be home with loads of hours to fill in, I'll also be a better blogger.  More frequent anyway.
I had fun drinks last night with some peeps from the office, and before that we had cake, and I was given a beautiful bunch of flowers and a book voucher to spend at my leisure.  A lot of people have said really nice things to me, which has made me feel all warm and fuzzy, but I certainly didn't look back when I walked out for the last time.
It feels like I've been at the centre of attention for a couple of days now, which, naturally, is fine with me, but I'm enjoying being alone now for the first time in a while, and just reflecting on everything.  I'm feeling a lot of relief, and happy, light, and at peace with everything. And I'm really excited about my new job and all the challenges ahead.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I've resigned!

It's been coming for a while.  I haven't been happy, and when you aren't happy, you do something to change it.  So I did.  I'm leaving journalism.  It took me a while to get here, but here I am.  I am going to a really great job.  It's going to be totally different from what I'm used to, but I'm excited and ready for the challenge, and I'll be working with a really great team.  I just want to get in there and start learning, but not before a little holiday with the hubby first... destination as yet undecided, we'll wait to see the timing of when I leave the paper first, which hasn't been determined.
Last night bubbles and steak at Rockpool to celebrate.  So delicious.  They cook their steaks like the Americans do - over an insanely hot grill, so you get that crunchy charred outside, and the meat is still perfectly red on the inside.  They also honour the very American tradition of giving you a piece of meat the size of your head.  I was nearly defeated, but managed to get through it all in the end.  It was a lovely celebration - my only complaint is that the Rockpool menu is waaay too long.  There's around 40 entrees to choose from and about 50 mains.  Option overload.  My personal dining out philosophy is that restaurants with extensive menus should be avoided as much as possible - generally it means they have tons of things sitting around for ages, and don't turn over enough to have it fresh all the time - but this is Rockpool, so the rules don't need to apply.  The food was all excellent, the waiter full of adjectives, and Marsha full of steak and French champagne.  Tick, tick, tick.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

I've got a new gadget, you guys, it's great, you may have heard of it, it's called an i-pod.

I've always been ridiculously stubborn about refusing to have an i-pod or a facebook page.  It's just so predictable and gen y-ish, and I like to set myself apart from the masses.  I've been using a little MP3 player I bought duty free five years ago, and have always been very happy with it.  That is until it died mid-run last week.  What?!?  You mean I have to listen to the birds rather than misogynist rap?  Boring.
I was going to buy another one just because it's not an i-pod, but I have been convinced that the world of music is a lot easier with one of these puppies... so off to the shops, for not one but two i-pods (one for running and the other for home).  I felt pretty old being all "so, tell me how this crazy thing works, 19 year old boy with eyeliner", but of course, I've become totally obsessed immediately.  You know you can buy music off the internets and not even have to leave home??  Crazy, I know.  I just took the baby one out for a run to Centennial Park, tucked into the pocket on the back of my running pants that has always been underutilised, and had a great time.
But I'm definitely not getting a facebook page.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Three years in Sydney

Monday marked three years since we moved to Sydney. Like is so often the case with these sorts of anniversaries, it seems like just yesterday, but at the same time so long ago. I remember so clearly getting into the hire car at the airport and thinking that if Jamie wasn't with me I'd turn around and get back on a plane. I remember walking back to the hotel after work down George St and being amazed how many people were still out on the street at seven pm. I remember everything being foreign and overwhelming and a little bit intimidating. And I so didn't want it to be - I wanted to be a cool and collected city girl who totally knew what she was doing. Slowly though, things have become familiar - I know my Pitts from my Parks, I've eaten at so many of those restaurants that I only knew as vague concepts in magazines, I've set up a home with and married the lovely man who moved across the country just because I wanted to, and I can bust it down a crowded footpath leaving the meeker, less willing to elbow, in my wake.

I'm not taking it all for granted though.  There are still moments that I like to just sit back and take in. Today, I was in a cab going home, and approaching the city at dusk - there were dark stormy skies and the buildings were all lit up, and it was gorgeous. It was one of those moments that if it was a movie, it would be in slow motion. I still love seeing the Opera House and Harbour Bridge. Walking through the top of Hyde Park through an arch of really old trees always makes me happy. The familiarity of walking down our street while so many others flock in to take part in Surry Hills always makes me smug. I feel like we are creating our own routines and habits, and lots of lovely memories we can look back on one day, and it's a really, really nice feeling.  Sydney has really got me, and I hope it's something that continues for a long time.

Friday, July 16, 2010

A sign from the heavens.

It was with much joy I read that international fashion brand Zara is coming to town.  I've got a few Zara bits and pieces from various travels, and everything is great.  And reasonable too which is important.  If fact, yesterday, before I read the news that Zara is coming to town, I was devestated by some other Zara related news.  I was wearing my really cute Zara white tuxedo shirt, which I picked up in Jakarta last year, and had an unfortunate incident with the steps that lead up to court.  Felled, and down on all fours, I felt something tearing.  Yep, my shirt.  Groan.  You know those items of clothing you really love and feel great in every time you wear time, and almost avoid wearing becuase you don't want to ruin?  Yeah this was one of them.  The damage:
I was a bit devo, but I took it as a sign from above that the Zara gods are coming to town to replace my shirt.
BTW - I think you'll all be pleased to know that I checked that my handbag and boots were ok before checking the flesh on my hands and knees for damage.  Luckily it was minimal on all counts.

Monday, July 12, 2010

La truffe

Em and I went to the Pyrmont farmers market last weekend.  And I bought a truffle!  My first, very exciting. 10 grams.  Grown in NSW.  I put it with eggs for 24 hours so they inhaled all the truffeley goodness.  Then with some risotto rice for another 24 hours.
And then the dish I had in mind when I bought the truffle, based on an amazing dish we had at Buon Ricardo in Paddington a while ago.  Truffled egg pasta.  Fresh pasta, cream and truffle, topped with a fried truffle egg.  In theory it should be amazing, and it wasn't bad, but nowhere close to Buon Ricardo's.

Shower that baby!

We had a baby shower for Em a couple of weekends ago, which was really fun and pretty.  We spent a few hours sitting outside in the sun, eating and drinking tea and bubbles.  Drew and Liam were in town, and Drew and I were on food catering duties. 
Those who know Drew and I may be surprised that we work fantastically together, even in confined spaces.  The natural synergy even lends itself to dividing us into savoury and sweet.  We shopped on Friday (with a quick stopover for Dank St chicken sandies and bubbles), and did some of our stuff Friday afternoon, and then after dinner at Mah Jong Room (yum!) it was up early to finish off our treats.  Even for us, I think we outdid ourselves.  This is how everything looked before we messed it up.  Em's friend Ash was on design patrol - hence things looking so pretty.  If I was left in charge it would not have looked nearly so lovely.
Drew's white chocolate and mango bunny slice.  The blog has tuned the picture on its side, and lord knows I don't know how to change it, but they are in the shapes of bunny heads! 
The most delicious chicken sandies.  Based on a Parsons recipe, remembered very well by Drew.  I think these were my fav of the day.
Onion tart (Stephanie Alexander recipe).  I've done this one a few times now, and I think her portions of egg to cream are a bit out because it takes FOREVER to set, but who cares, it's so tasty.
The lovely baby mama, with hilarious baby double chocolate cupcakes.  Bunny is getting bigger and bigger, and it's so lovely to see.  I even felt her kick the other day!
A close up of the baby cupcakes in case you didn't get the baby reference.  Might I also add these cupcakes have been injected - literally injected - with vanialla sugar syrup.
And finally, Bourke Street Bakery pork and fennel sausage rolls.  So delicious.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Chop chop!

I pretty much have everything I need in terms of fantasic kitchen tools and accessories.  There has only been one pretty obvious ommission (which no one but me sees an ommission, let alone an obvious one).  Knives.  I've been toying with getting some really good knives for a while, and they were on mega sale here, and I've had my old knives for a few years now, so I didn't have to talk myself into it for long.  Behold!!!
These puppies are Australian made, light, and super sexy.  Especially the big one up the top.  If it was safe to sleep with it under my pillow I would.  It's love.
I made this chicken and lemon bolognese for dinner, a recipe from my favourite food mag, Cuisine, just because it's something which required a bit of chopping - carrot, celery, onion, garlic.  Everything got chopped super fine, just for the fun of it.  And it's a really tasty recipe too.

Monday, June 28, 2010

A very kiddie weekend

This weekend was a bit different for our usual routine of sleeping in, lounging around, and eating out, because we babysat Jamie's two nephews, aged 5 and 7, for the weekend. The strategy was to keep them engaged and busy the whole time, and therefore make our lives easier. We went and saw Toy Story 3 in 3D, went to the library, baked cupcakes, had lots of trips to the park, and Jamie and I said no and spoke in stern voices a lot. We even contradicted each other in front of the kids like a real family.
B: Can I have another cupcake?
Me: No, two is enough
Jamie: Yes. Which one would you like?
B: The biggest one. Can I eat it on the couch?
Me: No. You'll get crumbs on the couch.
Jamie: Yes.
Anyway, we got through it, and after we drooped them home we had a lovely lunch at The Boathouse in Palm Beach. We sat outside and froze, despite wrapping ourselves in the blankets they provided, but it wasn't anything a couple of glasses of pinot and a steak sandie with chips couldn't fix. After lunch we walked up to the lighthouse on the headland which was very pretty. It reminded me a bit of being in NZ last year around this time and being in all these seaside villages all rugged up in the middle of winter. And also of being in the US doing much the same thing at Christmas. Sigh. Holidays. We need to get organised and book our next one.

Jury duty

Can you imagine my excitement when I opened a letter from the Sherriff's Department calling me for.... JURY DUTY!!! I was beside myself. Best piece of mail I've gotten all year, by far (sorry Country Road). I was instructed to make myself available for up to two weeks starting from today, and was more than happy to do so. Not just because I wanted to get out of work. In fact, that ranks very low in the factors that make me excited, but because I'm really interested in seeing the legal system from the point of a juror. Again. I've been on a jury in WA in the last few years - who could forget the matter of the threat to kill on the piggery (I'm totally serious - that was the jury I was on - it was a threat to kill case that took place at a piggery). I spend so long in court as just an observer, but to look at it all through the eyes of a juror will be totally different. Not that I don't give it my best crack as an amateur juror, whispering in the back of the court with the other journos whether we think someone is guilty or not. But I hardly do any trials that involve juries anyway, and any crime I cover is corporate crime, so no doubt if I get on a jury it will be very different.
I'm also thinking I could write a great magazine piece or something like that about it. Another journalist, ensconced in a long legal trial wrote a book about it . While I'm certainly not proposing to do that, it would be great fodder to write about. It's not looking good so far though. They didn't need my panel today, and they don't need me tomorrow. Fingers crossed for Wednesday. I have to keep calling every day until they need me or the two weeks is up. But needless to say, if I do get on, I'll be the first person putting their hand up to be Madame Forewoman.

Friday, June 18, 2010

We are a cliche.

So we bought a new car.  A 4WD.  I know, I know.  I was skeptial at first - we don't need a new car, it would just sit on the street, what do we need a 4WD for, etc.  It's all out the window now.  I'm not a car person, but I love driving around in this.  Sure, I can't park it, despite the reversing camera, but people expect 4WD drivers in the eastern suburbs to not be able to park.  The front:
Inside... It has sat nav, which is the only thing I wanted.  And I don't know how I've lived without it (sat nav) for so long.  Leeeeather seats, with the important addition of seat warmers, which are totally necessary in the notoriously freezing Australian climate.

And the side.  Oh, it's a Mazda CX7 sport if you care about those sorts of details.  I kind of avoided driving before, but now it's way more fun.  Even if I'm a cliche.  Out of my way bitches.


We were in Melbourne last weekend for three days which was great fun.  I've lived in Melbourne when I was in high school, so things are vaguely familiar, but since hanging out on the steps at Flinders Street Station, finding pubs that won't ask for ID, and wearing bananas in pyjamas t-shirts aren't so high on my priority list any more, I don't really have a compass for the things I want.
We did a Wotif mystery deal and stayed at the Grand Hyatt.  It's just had a huge reno, and the lobby is beautiful and cavernous and muted and rich looking.  In the rooms, they've obviously left some things, while updating others which leaves a bit of an inconsistent vibe to everything - i.e. beautiful marble tiles on the wall in the bathroom, but taps that have been there since 1970.
I've recently discovered that in hotels, when you nicely ask for upgrades/complain about something wrong with your room, you usually get one.  We checked into a room on a lower floor, and then I asked for a higher room, and five minutes later, we were in one.  This was the view:

So Friday I shopped while Jamie worked.  I was in the mood to s.p.e.n.d. so naturally, I couldn't find anything I wanted.  Except for a top.  And a jacket. 
On Saturday we shopped for Jamie in the morning and then had lunch with two couples from Perth who are journos and are now in Melbourne.  We had a really fun lunch, and it was so great to catch up with Julie-Anne, Rebecca, Paul and Ben (Rebecca and Paul just got engaged - Yay!).  After lunch, we went to the pub and became a gener cliche - boys watching the footy with beers, girls yapping away in the corner with bubbles.  Any lunch that wraps up at six thirty, and only then because everyone has dinner plans, is a good one in my mind.  Here's the girls.  This photo captures the only two seconds we stopped talking in the entire afternoon.
Our friends Blake and Ros have a share in a bar called Lily Blacks, which we went to visit the previous night.  Julie-Anne had  this set of cards with little Melbourne bars on each one, and while we didn't take a photo at Lily Blacks, here is a photo of the card about it (resting against my Campari).
After our loooong lunch, we had a dinner booking at the restaurant just next to our hotel - MoMo.  It's facny middle eastern food (i.e. not kebabs).  It was FAN-TASTIC.  The sort of flavours we never cook at home, and things that are just way too hard to do - as if I can be bothered de-boning a quail and stuffing it with chorizo and fetta.  I can certainly be bothered eating it though.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Welcome to da club.

We are in!  Despite both of our feelings that we wouldn't even be allowed to sit down at wafu because the nazi owner would intuitively know we were giggling about her, we got in and are now members of the exclusive Wafu club.  We posed at the door for a while (no giggling) contemplating the three pages of rules about eating there, before politely asking if they had room for us (there were only two other tales of people in a restaurant that had maybe 15 tables).  We were asked if we knew about the "philosophy" of the restaurant, and said we had done our research and knew all about it.  We were reminded about the rules again on the menus - you have to eat everything except garnish - SIDE VEGETABLES ARE NOT GARNISH, only picked ginger, wasabi and lemon slices are garnish.  We were petrified to order too much food and miss out on our 30% discount and club membership, and I even waived a miso just in case I was using up stomach space I'd need later.  We had some edamame (we were concerned we'd have to eat the shells, but turns out we didn't have to), chicken yakitori, fish cakes and eggplant and tofu with miso sauce.  It was all super tasty, but given that by the time we finished we were the only table in there, it's totally devoid of atmosphere, and we were too scared to talk loudly, it's a bit of an indication on how kindly the people of Sydney are taking to being treated like children when they pay for the privilege of going out.
Nevertheless, we are in the club, and we can now bring more than one guest, but we must "educate them" about the policies on waste and "take responsibility for their actions".  And if we want take away, we need to bring our own containers.
We ditched it for dessert, and went to Bird Cow Fish, where we weren't scared to talk loudly.  Chocolate brownie and peppermint tea for me, Turkish Delight and hot chockie for Em.  Fun times.

My Dutch teapot has a hat!

I'm a dead sucker for a sale, when these fancy Dutch teapots came on Peters of Kensington at 75% off, they had me at hello.  It has a shiny hat/helmet which is lined with felt inside and keeps your tea hot for longer!
And then when you take the hat/helmet off, it's a pretty white pot underneath.  I drink LOADS of tea, so I'm totally excited to use this, and also to have hot tea for longer!!

Monday, May 31, 2010

My new pretties.

I've been engaging in some currency hedging of sorts recently.  And my currency is HANDBAGS!  I bought these two puppies from a US websitecalled Bluefly, on sale, naturally.  I'm esecially pleased with the black one here - it loks a bit *shiny* because of the flash, but it's ace.  It's nice and big too.  I have another Furla bag which is an orange clutch and I love, love, love it.  This one also falls in that category.  And who wants a plain black handbag when you can have a crocodile print one?
This is the second - I love the colour, I'm just having slight difficulties working it in the wardrobe.  I think I'm a bit too fixated on everything matching because I don't like wearing this with my brown boots for example - the bag is very tan, and my brown boots are classic brown, and I just don't think it goes.  I also know my problem is mostly in my head and I just need to get over it.  It works really well with black though - but when I weat black I kind of want my other new bag.  Sigh.  Life really is difficult sometimes.

Yes, but did you read the sign on the door??

Em and I have decided to catch up for date night once a month without the boys.  It means we can go to the restaurants they don't want to go to, and coincidentally, it's tough to get either of them into Japanese restaurants, so we decided to do that last month.  I'd eaten at Wafu, a reasonably nondescript, cheap and cheerful place in Surry Hills, with Jamie about a year ago, and I quite liked it.  I've been trying to drag him back since, but he hasn't wanted to, so Em and I decided we'd go.  The place was less than half empty, but we were immediately waved away.  Immediately.  We thought it was odd, but upon doing some further research, we came upon this article from the SMH.  The woman who runs the place is clearly mad.  You can't book - which we can deal with, this is Surry Hills after all.  However, before you are allowed in the restaurant, you must read a list of extensive roles on the door, which includes the fact you will be charged 30% extra if you don't finish all the food on your plate INCLUDING garnish (the definition of garnish excludes wasabi, pickled ginger and slices of lemon).  And if she doesn't like you she tells you to go somewhere else (her ex husband's restaurant).  If she likes you and you finish all the food on your plate, you are invited to join the wafu club, the only benefit of which appears to be that you are allowed to book a table in future.  But you still have to eat everything or be charged an extra 30%.
So, while slightly trepidatious about having to jump through that many hoops, we also think it's hilarious.  And if she doesn't let us in the club we are going to tell her we don't want her in our club.
When we are out Jamie is having left over Rick Stein stew with macaroni.  We made it on Saturday night, and it's delicious.  Can't belive I'm leaving the club that serves this to try and join the Wafu club.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Things we've done lately

- Queued up at 5:45, yep, that's right, a time that's even too early for small children to eat, to get into a restaurant that doesn't take bookings.  Truly a Sydney experience - not one I normally subscribe to either, but after being laughed away at 6:30 a couple of weeks before we weren't taking our chances.  And we weren't even the first people in line.  The restaurant was Bodega, where we have been meaning to go for aaaaages - everyone keeps telling me how much I'd love it, so I think I've stayed away for that reason, I don't want everyone to be right and for my tastes to be totally predictable.  Naturally they are, and I *LOVED* the food.  We went with Muz and Em after a football game (Swans v Dockers), and had a really great night.  BTW - Aria diners, if you were wondering where Matt Moran was on Saturday night, I assure you he wasn't at Aria, cooking your meals.  He was haing tapas at Bodega.
- Watched the economics editor of the Wall Street Journal interview Paul Keating as part of the Sydney Writers Festival.  A-MAZING.  PK (as I like to call him) is just the most incredible intellect, and is so razor sharp and hilarious.
- Booked a mini break to Melbourne for early next month.  Jamie's working on the Friday, and I'm hitting the shops.  Then dinner is booked at Mo Mo on Saturday, which is conveniently located in the Grant Hyatt, where we'll be staying.  We did one of those mystery deals totally thinking it would be the Sofitel (which is what we wanted and not what we got), but it's hardly an inconvenience to have to go to the Hyatt (which has just been refurbished in a $40 million reno).
- Turning on the heater.  Which doesn't sound like a really noteworthy event, but we only got a gas heater late last winter, so haven't had the chance to use it much, and it's just SO good being able to turn it on when you get home.  Sydney has been cold and wet lately, and rather than freezing like we did last winter, and sitting on the couch with a blanket on, we can steam up the windows and get toasty with the press of a button.  The gum boots have also got a dusting off and have been coming very useful in the deluge.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Dumpling love.

Dumplings have to be one of my favourite things.  A delicious bite size parcel of heaven.  I've been getting into making my own lately, and it's really quite easy.  And it's totally worth the effort.  I don't usually like doing fiddly cooking, but it's quite soothing to fill the case,
...fold them into little parcels,
...fry them (for something different from steaming) in chicken stock until it evaporates
...and the bottoms brown and crisp up.
We had it with Chinese greens and oyster sauce - so simple, but so good.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Looking at the bright side.

I've been sick the last couple of days.  I'll spare you the details other than I was brought to my knees, violently ill.  I think it was some sort of bug because Jamie had it last week (and I refuse to believe that a burger from Fox Studios did this to me, burgers can do no wrong), so while I've been feeling revolting, I have found two upsides.
1. No detox, atkins, or cabbage diet can ever achieve the weight loss I have achieved in the last few days.  Good upside.
2. Not that I doubted it, but Jamie definitely loves me.  Because love is dabbing bits of vomit of your beloved's t-shirt, rubbing their back as they lie on the bathroom floor, and getting endless cups of lemonade, water and tea.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

We are the coolest people you know.

I know there are some of you who may not be immediately convinced by the title of this post, however, read on dear reader, and let yourselves be convinced.
We are *so* cool that functional household items we own are featured in the height of retro cool movie, A Single Man, directed and produced by none other than Mr Tom Ford.  That's right my friends.  Our water glasses feature in the opening scene, and our matching water jug also features in another critical scene in the movie when the main character is trying to kill himself.  And I'm not ruining anything for anyone who hasn't seen the movie by saying that, everyone knows the whole premise of the movie is about a man who wants to kill himself.  But back to the water glasses and jugs... We are that cool that Tom Ford chose the same items we did.  And here they are.  Make sure you remember to start breathing again...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Welcome baby Juniper!

Today we caught up with our lovely friends Blake and Ros with their brand new little baby, Juniper (Juno) Lorna Thomas!  She was very good, didn't make a sound, and she's lovely!  Very long like her parents, deep blue eyes and a strong little grip on her hands!!  I had a totally awkward cuddle, but it was great - awkward only in that I'm petrified of new babies and have no idea how to hold them.  Here's mum and bub.  So cute.  Congrats guys, and thanks for coming out to lunch with her.  Can't wait to watch her grow up! xx

Congrats also in order for Em and Muz, who have confirmed they are having a baby girl.  Which I *totally* knew.  Hurry up already Bunny, I want to play!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

And here we have it.. nearly.

Here's our new bathroom!  The doors aren't on the vanity yet (they had a scratch and needed to be re-sprayed), but we are so thrilled with it!  A toilet seat that doesn't fall off!  A shower screen that doesn't have wire mesh weaved through it!  A bath!  Tiles that aren't brown and green!  Shelves behind the mirror so that everything can be put away (except for the artfully displayed Aesop)!
The vanity (with Aesop), and mirror reflecting the towels and towel rail.  The window sill needs to be painted.
The new shelves around the washer and dryer.  And a door WITH A HANDLE.  Admittedly, it's a blue door (Tiffany blue) at this stage - unfortunately Tiffany haven't asked me to do some obscure product placement in the form of their brand colour on a door in exchange for jewels, that's just the colour the door came in, and it also needs to be painted.