Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Being unemployed is exhausting.

I thought that having three weeks off work would send me up the wall a bit.  I'm no good at doing nothing, so I've made myself a really long list of tasks to do.  I'm only at the end of day two, but I'm pleased to say I'm pooped and not bored.
Today I went to yoga, supervised the nice man who works at Bunnings who offered to come over and change the lock for a reasonable fee (much more reasonable than what the locksmith wanted to charge anyway), caught up with Carita and Rob who were in town from Melbourne, dropped off my wedding dress and a pashmina to be dyed, got a pair of shoes re-heeled, got my hair cut, and made meatballs.
The dress is going ribbon (also known as Country Road blue to fans of CR) - I'm a bit nervous about it, but the ladies in the shop assured me it will dye well, and this means I can get loads more wears out of it.  I really love the dress, so it will be perfect for any fancy events we need to go to in its new colour.  And it will match the sapphires in my wedding earrings - important.  Right now I'm kicking myself a bit that I didn't try it on one last time in the wedding colour, but we've got loads of photos of the wedding day, and I am unlikely to wear it out in the wedding colour, so I just need to let go.  I'll update when it's done!


  1. Marsh. I realise I am breaking every blog protocol but can you send through your new email address? I only have contact information related to Fairfax.... Thanks Amelia

    P.S Dress will be fabulous that colour and you will definetley get more wears out of it. Are you going to Culla Change in Surry Hills?

  2. Mealie! No protocols broken - I love getting comments. I don't know my new email address yet, but in the meantime you can get me on marshandjamie@iinet.net.au - somewhat unhelpfully, in my time off I uploaded all my CDs to my computer which has caused it to have a meltdown because the memory is full, so it's has to go to the hospital for comupters to be fixed, but I can check that address from hubby's computer, so anything you send to me will reach me.
    p.s. Yep - Culla Change. I'll let you know how it goes. Hopefully fantastically, or I'll be really upset.

  3. more posts please!!
