Thursday, September 16, 2010


In the last couple of days, without deliberately doing it, I've come across three articles or presentations on luck.  Which has really stuck in my mind, because I think it's really out of the ordinary for it to happen with that frequency in so short a period of time, and you are supposed to take notice of coincidences.  Is the universe trying to tell me something?  What?  Am I lucky?  Do I need to do something to be luckier?  I don't know... So then I got thinking about whether I consider myself a lucky person - which I definitely think I am in the general sense, but on a daily basis I don't consider myself lucky, you know, in the "gee it's lucky I won lotto, found this pair of diamond earrings and got sent to France on a food tour for work" kind of way (come on universe, come through with that one).  In large part, I do think people make their own luck - if you put energy out and work hard for what you want, things come back to you.  But that isn't really luck, it's more like a return on the investment you put in.  I don't think I actually believe in luck just happening to people.  Apparently you can make yourself luckier and lucky people have certain traits.  But I think I'll just stick to more tangible ways to get what I want (but feel free to come through with the lotto, diamonds, France scenario, universe.  I'd really like that).

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