Sunday, August 1, 2010

I've got a new gadget, you guys, it's great, you may have heard of it, it's called an i-pod.

I've always been ridiculously stubborn about refusing to have an i-pod or a facebook page.  It's just so predictable and gen y-ish, and I like to set myself apart from the masses.  I've been using a little MP3 player I bought duty free five years ago, and have always been very happy with it.  That is until it died mid-run last week.  What?!?  You mean I have to listen to the birds rather than misogynist rap?  Boring.
I was going to buy another one just because it's not an i-pod, but I have been convinced that the world of music is a lot easier with one of these puppies... so off to the shops, for not one but two i-pods (one for running and the other for home).  I felt pretty old being all "so, tell me how this crazy thing works, 19 year old boy with eyeliner", but of course, I've become totally obsessed immediately.  You know you can buy music off the internets and not even have to leave home??  Crazy, I know.  I just took the baby one out for a run to Centennial Park, tucked into the pocket on the back of my running pants that has always been underutilised, and had a great time.
But I'm definitely not getting a facebook page.

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