Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Snore. Wear a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and if you want to shock me.

Gaga is at it again.  Surely she's running out of ways to get more extreme?


  1. links - so hot right now.

    I would have a good one for you, however the Sunday Times has thwarted me, its all pay per view or whatever now.

    Gaga is utterly shit and now we've got a cultural critics articulate words to add to my own barely informed vitriol. There are many pithy quotes in Camille Paglia's opinion piece in this weekends magazine, but one stands for me "can it be that lady gaga represents the exhausted end of the sexual revolution?"

    You can see a bit of it here http://www.thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/public/magazine/article389697.ece

  2. I don't know, I have to admit, I prefer her to most of the overly sexualised popettes and the gangsta dudes. I have some sympathy with the views expressed in this article in the Guardian, criticising the article in the times:


  3. The Times article ran on the front cover of the Australian's weekend magazine here this weekend, so we got to read it in full (phew). I liked it a lot. Mainly I liked the rage. I find angry writng so enjoyable. The Guardian article has some good points, but I really think Camille Paglia nailed it.
