Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I've resigned!

It's been coming for a while.  I haven't been happy, and when you aren't happy, you do something to change it.  So I did.  I'm leaving journalism.  It took me a while to get here, but here I am.  I am going to a really great job.  It's going to be totally different from what I'm used to, but I'm excited and ready for the challenge, and I'll be working with a really great team.  I just want to get in there and start learning, but not before a little holiday with the hubby first... destination as yet undecided, we'll wait to see the timing of when I leave the paper first, which hasn't been determined.
Last night bubbles and steak at Rockpool to celebrate.  So delicious.  They cook their steaks like the Americans do - over an insanely hot grill, so you get that crunchy charred outside, and the meat is still perfectly red on the inside.  They also honour the very American tradition of giving you a piece of meat the size of your head.  I was nearly defeated, but managed to get through it all in the end.  It was a lovely celebration - my only complaint is that the Rockpool menu is waaay too long.  There's around 40 entrees to choose from and about 50 mains.  Option overload.  My personal dining out philosophy is that restaurants with extensive menus should be avoided as much as possible - generally it means they have tons of things sitting around for ages, and don't turn over enough to have it fresh all the time - but this is Rockpool, so the rules don't need to apply.  The food was all excellent, the waiter full of adjectives, and Marsha full of steak and French champagne.  Tick, tick, tick.

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