Tuesday, April 20, 2010

And here we have it.. nearly.

Here's our new bathroom!  The doors aren't on the vanity yet (they had a scratch and needed to be re-sprayed), but we are so thrilled with it!  A toilet seat that doesn't fall off!  A shower screen that doesn't have wire mesh weaved through it!  A bath!  Tiles that aren't brown and green!  Shelves behind the mirror so that everything can be put away (except for the artfully displayed Aesop)!
The vanity (with Aesop), and mirror reflecting the towels and towel rail.  The window sill needs to be painted.
The new shelves around the washer and dryer.  And a door WITH A HANDLE.  Admittedly, it's a blue door (Tiffany blue) at this stage - unfortunately Tiffany haven't asked me to do some obscure product placement in the form of their brand colour on a door in exchange for jewels, that's just the colour the door came in, and it also needs to be painted.


  1. there's not many people who would appreciate a sweet bathroom as much as me and the small wife these days. Looks 'totes' lovely marshie
    I had a shower in a bucket this morning....

  2. OMG MJ&JM this is TOO good. I LOVE it, can't wait to use it. You should be totally chuffed with this!

  3. Is that a heated towel rail?
    - CP xx

  4. Alas, it's not a heated towel rail. I always thought they were an indulgence until we went to stay with Em and Muz, and they had one in our bathroom (on a timer) and it was the best. I LOVED it. But by then it was too late to get us one... boo. xx
