Monday, September 27, 2010

Bebe Bunny

I've been waiting for Em to post about her new little baby before I did, and she has, so game on.  BUNNY IS HERE!!  And, just to make this about me - it turns out I'm psychic.  We were having breakfast two weeks ago at Cafe Zoe (a fav of ours and the Wheaters) and for no particular reason (other than I'm psychic) I announced that I thought Em was going to go into labour today.  Not one minute later Em and Muz walked into the cafe (we weren't planning to meet them), and that night she went into labour.  She was born quickly via a c-section, and the next day we went for a visit.
She was (and still is) very chubby, she has mum's nose, blue eyes, and looong legs.  Em was (and still is) amazing.  I'm so proud of her.  She's calm, patient, tender and you can tell the mamma bear instinct has immediately kicked in.
We've had a few more visits with Bunny (whose real name is Josephine Scarlett Wheater) since, and she's lovely.  So little and sweet.  I am so looking forward to spending lots of time with her and watching her grow up for many years to come.

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