Sunday, November 1, 2009


I know I'm certainly not the first person in the world to observe this, but adult women getting dressed up for Halloween seems purely an excuse to wear something slutty which wouldn't otherwise be acceptable. Driving to get Jamie from the airport last night at about 8:30, there were a lot of people obviously on their way to parties. I saw a sexy vampire, sexy nurse, sexy devil and sexy cat. And they were all seperate sightings. And in a clear sign that I'm getting really old, when I was trying to find a radio station to listen to I was APPALLED by "the best dance hits in the country right now" and switched it over to the golden oldie channel.
Halloween also made me slightly anxious because I became concerned that children would come to the door and I'd have nothing to give them except a nice apple. I weighed up the liklihood of parents letting their children knock on random doors in Surry Hills (surely we are at the far more moderate end of what it's possible to encounter around here) with the effort of going to get treats, which would probably not be needed, and sit in my cupboard until I ate them. I decided that if anyone knocked at the door I just wouldn't answer it, and positioned myself on the couch so that if anyone did come knocking they wouldn't see me down the call. Turns out that particular effort wasn't needed... no one came.

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