Saturday, April 11, 2009


I am a little bit scared of anything to do with yeast. All that "live" business makes my skin crawl a bit and every time I touch yeast I can't help but think about invisible bugs crawling on my skin... ANYWAY. I made some hot X buns from scratch for Easter. We ate them on good Friday (with left overs on Saturday), and I don't think that's what you are supposed to do, but meh. They were quite yummy and looked rustic.
Keeping a little more in the spirit of Easter eating, we did have fish pie on Friday, made by hubby. Although I think I did more than my fair share of the legwork by hitting the fish markets
on Thursday. Good god. It was savage, and I was nearly reduced to a murderous rage. I really was about to get out of the car and start yelling at the aggressive man trying to take my spot. RUDE!!! It was all too much, and the traffic going in and out was insane. Which shouldn't be a surprise really, but still. It was an endurance sport. I emerged victorious with 2kg of fish, and ate sushi in the car going back to the safety of the eastern suburbs.

1 comment:

  1. excellent work on the non denominational bun treats. I brought some into work with lescure french salty butter (82% milk fat) and heard the screams ‘you know each one of those is like eating two slices of white bread’.... some people just dont get it....
