Tuesday, March 23, 2010

During bathroom renovations - feeling unsettled.

We didn't live through our kitchen renovations - just left on a holiday and came back and it was done.  This is entirely different.  After one day, I came home and the bathroom looked like this:
Gasp.  The house is totally a mess - covered in dust, all the things that need to go into the new bathroom are sitting in the living room (ie. a bath. sink, cabinets), there are drop sheets on everything, only the hot water works in the kitchen (go figure), and the only place to sit is our bed (because the spare room is full of furniture, chairs, and more bathroom crap).  I thought I could totally handle this, especially since the toilet is still functional - when I say functional, you need to pour a bucket of water in the top to make it flush (we were planning on using buckets as toilets- so, so gross, I know, so this is a far preferable use for te buckets), but the house being like this is really upsetting me.  Nothing is right and I don't like it.  I just feel like pacing up and down and whimpering about things.  We managed to squeeze two chairs into the last remaining piece of floor space in the living room lat night to watch some TV, but who wants to sit on a hard chair to watch TV and eat laksa?  Not me.  I know I could have bigger problems than the fact I have to live in a house that's being renovated for three days, and the end result is going to be 100 x worth it, but everything just feels all wrong right now and I'm totally unsettled.  I slept terribly because I knew everything wasn't right, and I'm sure tonight will be the same  We've decided to go out and see a movie this evening.  The sooner we get out of here the better... bring on Thursday.


  1. for a moment I thought the stripped bricks were a trendy new feature wall....

  2. If all the other kids in Surry Hills were doing it Dodd, you know I'd be there in a flash. I don't think exposed brick and bathrooms are the best combination though... funny, looking at it the other night, I was all "I wonder if you could do some cool exposed brick thing here". Ha ha.
