Sunday, January 10, 2010

Revisiting Christmas

When I told people we were going to be in Canada for Christmas, a pretty much unanimous reaction was "oh, a white Christmas".  The thing is it doesn't snow all the time in Vancouver in winter.  Sure, it can, but I think it's more common not to.  Nonetheless, I was totally quietley confident we'd have a white Christmas - because that's just the way things should be at Christmas - magical surprises.  I was the first one up on Christmas day and I looked outside and this is what I saw.  Immediatley, I was all "Oh, wow, the Christmas miracle happened, it snowed - see, I told you so."  And then everyone was all "you idiot, that's just frost".  Close enough for me.  Christmas miracle granted.
But let's go back to Christmas eve for a moment.  We were at Pauline and Dave's house, and Dave happened to have a shooting game called Buck Hunter.  After dinner, it was a big hit with the boys all facing off (look at the concentration on Jamie's face!), with Dave demonstrating just how many hours he's spent playing the game by totally nailing it while everyone else struggled to hit the screen.  After a while Jamie suggested I try, and I got totally into it.  I was hogging the gun and swearing at the animals and getting totally worked up "just one more round honey, then it's your turn".  Ah ha ha.  Fun.

And just because I never got a chance to post a picture of it earlier, this is the mountain of crab that Jamie, Pauline and Dave caught on Christmas eve which we ate that night!  Plently left for crab cakes the next day, and it was so delicious.  I'm voting that it become a regular tradition in the family, with me having to neither catch the crabs nor cook them.  Actually, if someone could take all the meat out for me too, that would be great.

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