Sunday, October 18, 2009

Spring days.

Yesterday we went on a picnic to celebrate the birthday of the lovely Ros. Right down by the water, looking right on to the opera house and bridge, beautiful day, good times. I was totally paralysed with indecision earlier on in the week as to what I should take/ make for the picnic, but things were sorted out pretty quickly when we ended up spending most of the morning in Mosman to have me fitted for new running shoes and not having much time to spare (home made pastry, tart, and carrot cake ideas quickly flying out the window). A quick stop off at the local grocer to stock up on far too much cheese (let's be honest - no one is surprised by that one), smoked chicken, baguette, tomato, rocket and pate and we were off. We sat by the water for a leisurely few hours and then walked home with the afternoon sun on our faces.
Today I have a bit of a cold and I have to work, so everyone is hearing about it. I'm also feeling a bit blimpy from not running all week (sore foot). But the foot is on the mend, the cold is at worst only mild, I got made soft boiled eggs with buttery toast soldiers for brekky this morning, and I'll get Friday off for working today.
In other exciting news I don't believe I've blogged about, Jamie and I have booked tickets to go to the US/ Canada for Christmas! We fly to San Fran on December 9, and then we'll drive up to Vancouver, taking our time and stopping off at places we like on the way, arriving well in time for Christmas with my fam. Seven weeks to go...

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