Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Ugg boots

My deep affection for my Ugg boots knows few bounds. Year round, one of the first things I do when I come home is to put them on. A short history - Drew bought my my first (pink) pair off Uggs from NZ - we bonded quickly and became inseparable. They lasted a bit more than three years before requiring replacement. Another pink pair were procured - not as good quality as the NZ pair, and they recently got a hole. So when we went to NZ, I bought these babies. I loooove them. For obvious reasons - hello cowhide. The only problem is they have a proper sole on them (pro: better to wear outdoors, and to formal engagements, con: they are quite heavy and not as comfy as a purely indoor Ugg). So, not detracting from my love for the cowhide, formal Ugg, I just bought a pair of indoor, less formal Uggs. Some may say this is unnecessary. To them I say... whatever. They are lovely.
They are from NZ - a brand called Mi Woolies - the same as the original pink pair Drew bought me which lasted really well. Em has recently hopped on board the Ugg boot bandwagon - I thoroughly encourage you all to do the same.

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