Saturday, October 24, 2009

Something I took care of made flowers!

I'm pretty proud of this - I think it's a first. We bought a jasmine plant a few months ago and not only has it stayed alive, its flowered! So now our back deck smells like jasmine, which I love. When we first moved to Sydney and were staying in Double Bay, there was jasmine everywhere and in summer the whole suburb smelt like it, it's just a lovely, gentle, summery, warm smell. Sometimes I walk outside just to smell it.
The gardenias we bought at the same time look like they want to flower soon too, but I think they want a bigger pot before they are going to give in and produce the goods. If that happens I will be totally excited - I think jasmine is really quite easy to keep alive and flowering, which gardenias are more fussy (in that they are slightly fussy and possibly not considered a pest that grows like mad).

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