Saturday, June 27, 2009

I'm conflicted...

I'm was conflicted recently when Jamie came home late after a few drinks after a work dinner at the Casino, so got all ready to deliver my "I don't care how late you stay out, as long as you tell me where you are and let me know you are ok, so I don't worry" lecture.
Turns out staying out late at the casino was rather fruitful. Somebody won a case of very nice pinot by remembering the name of the pediatric surgeon who spoke to the audience of stockbrokers before dinner (turns out he had the same name as some one Jamie went to school with - regardless, top work by him on remembering), and it also turns out someone won several hundred dollars playing black jack after dinner... So my conflict is clear - do I lecture, or do I encourage him to go back to the casino the next night and bring home more grocery money and pinot?
Might I add this isn't the first time that a late night out has turned into profits from gambling from my beloved, pictured here with the first taste of the fruits of his night out.
So far, the best way I've come up to deal with it is to insist that gambling related gains be spent immediately.

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