Saturday, June 13, 2009

Saturday antics.

Jamie is away on business, so I've been amusing myself. And amusement is necessary, because who would have thought, there is only so much bad Foxtel you can watch. So, this morning I went to yoga, and then straight to Bourke St Bakery for some ham and cheese croissants. YOGA NEMISIS was there in the queue before me and bought something stupid like soy and linseed bread. Meanwhile, I was contemplating whether to buy one ham and cheese croissant or two. Lets be honest, the "one" case was never going to win. So, home with my treasures and the papers, I was a happy girl. Tea gets made in the china on the weekend, so who am I to break tradition? So coupled with the Simpsons morning marathon, it was an ideal morning. After breakfast, out come the favourite cookbooks, to make a shopping list. Which I pretty much do every weekend, but it never loses the fun. Especially when a trip to Fratelli Fresh is in order (which it is every week). Beautiful fresh produce, a kick ass cafe upstairs (and the word cafe doesn't even come close to describing it), and lots of trendy urbanites queuing to get their slightly overpriced produce. But it's so worth it. And I'm totally different from the rest of the urbanites... pffft, I bet they don't even get excited by fresh peas. Upstairs is where all the oils, pasta, cafe and coffee are, and this is the view down to the fresh section. There are four aisles of fresh produce, a cheese fridge, a meat fridge (including deli goods), and the other half of the room is dedicated to (free) cooking classes. And they are always cranking out blues/ the Beatles/ Dolly Parton or something equally cool. I get excited every time I walk in, and it is such a great feeling walking out with (paper) bags bursting with flowers, baguette, ripe tomatoes, shiny eggplants, freshly sliced ham, and other exciting treasures. I'm planning on making a bit pot of pasta e fagioli (with fresh borlotti beans), and also a big pot of (diet) butter chicken (which is really sans the butter and cream, so it's chicken in a yogurt sauce, but it's still awesome), and stocking up the freezer.

After unpacking all my treasures, there was no time to rest. There is a community centre that has just opened up the road, and it has, wait for it... a LIBRARY!!!! So I had to go join the new library before it was a week old, because, well, I've been so totally excited about this for the entire time they've been building the library. I was on my way into the city (to get a massage - important), so I didn't get any books, but my god it was exciting. I'll be back next weekend with the hubby to check out some reading material. Oh - it's also a pretty cool building - all greeny architecty, passive solar, etc. View from the side:
View from the park across the street:
So then off for my massage (which was awesome) and the a peruse around DJ's - they had stock that was on sale on BOXING DAY which they had clearly just held in storage and then rolled back out. I'm afraid this shopper recognised more than one item. And also spent all her money allocated for sale spending, at Country Road, as usual... It's like a bad boyfriend - I can't say no, and I resolve not to every time, but I just can't help myself. Country Road even remembers our anniversary of when I became a card holder for gods sake - AND sends me credit vouchers to spend to celebrate the occasion. I'm helpless in the face of that.
So I've just chowed down on a steak sandie and a rather hefty glass of wine. The heater is on, my PJ's are on, and all the laundry is done. It would all of course be much better fun with hubby home to regale with tales, but for now, the blog will have to do.


  1. yoga, ham & cheese croissants, shopping trip, cooking = perfect day.
    Also, to add to the outrage about DJs sale, we ran through the shoe section yesterday (can you tell Muz was with me?) and they had that pink and red pair of kate spade shoes on sale that they had when i was looking for wedding shoes. Although now i think about it, perhaps they were full price then. Hmm, my outrage is perhaps misplaced...


  2. Remember though, those Kate's weren't comfortable. And I saw your Louboutin's on the weekend and checked if they weren't on sale... and they weren't. Good buy by you.
