Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunday night and lost pashminas.

Another productive day today. Did all my cooking - soup and curry. Also made breadcrumbs. I bought some ziplock bags yesterday so I can label everything in the freezer instead of pulling out a bag of something and wondering what the hell it is. It was a drizzly day, so turning on the heater and having a constant pot of tea on the go felt very cosy while various things bubbled away and steamed up the windows.
I cleaned out my wardrobe - lots of clothes for charity. I finally let go of my pink suede boots. I haven't worn them for years, but just haven't been able to get rid of them. I also lost the ability to have perspective about them. I gained it today.
I try to clean out the wardrobe reasonably regularly (maybe 4 x a year), and sometimes I hang on to things when I clearly shouldn't. I was in a ruthless mood today though, so there was lots to go. My rules (which can be flexible if it suits what I want) are that if I haven't worn it in a year and wouldn't pick it up and buy it now, it goes. Another rule is that when new things come in, old things have to go out. And new things have come in...
I've bought a few things on sale in the last couple of weeks, which I'm pretty excited about. I wanted to embrace the work frock more, and now have a cute navy blue wool baby-doll-ish dress (but it's not to cutesy) from Country Road (of course), and a grey dress from Sportscraft which is fitted and has half sleeves, and the material is lovely and heavy but stretchy, so it's really flattering. And it's really plain, so as Em said, you can wear it with lots of different accessories, and it looks and feels like a new outfit. And both less than half price. I love sale time. I also have a new black silk pussybow blouse and a long stripy cardigan, so am very happy with my wardrobe updates.
Speaking of accessories, the advent of cold weather means the pashminas get to come out again! I do love a good pashie, and last week I was a bit distraught because I couldn't find my red one (it was my first one and has always come travelling with me, so holds a special place), and tried looking for it every night - our house isn't big, and there are only so many places it could have been, and it wasn't anywhere... I thought maybe I'd accidentally put it in the cupboard when I was putting something else away, so I pulled everything out - no pashie. It's so not like me to lose things either. However, just as my frustration was about to boil over into an accusatory phone call to Em, because my pashies live in the spare room - where she stayed last weekend, it occur ed to me in the middle of the night to check behind the shelves where the pashies live, and lo and behold, there it was! It was such a feeling of relief, and after taking a deep breath of it (perfume, baby shampoo and dust - just in case you were wondering, the baby shampoo smell is because that's what I wash them in, normal detergent is too harsh), I gave it a cuddle and put it back on the top of the pile for next week. I couldn't wear it immediately because I was wearing a green t-shirt, and pairing green and red just smacks of Christmas to me.
The collection: red, grey Burberry (thanks hubby), pink flowers, grey, black, pale blue, and faux traditional burberry.

I'm watching Masterchef right now (Catie and Linds, you don't know what you are missing) and Po is wearing a red scarf with a green top. She might as well stick a star on top of her head.
p.s. Chris is totally going to win.


  1. Totally - Chris or that other young chick, Justine...I can't get over how good she is and only 23. Sigh.

    Also, phew on the pashmina (hilarious re panicked phone call to me). I hate losing special stuff like that. It reminds me of when I accused Muz of accidentally throwing out my brown Scanlan dress when we moved house. I was so sure I searched everywhere...ahem then it turned up months later in the bottom of the cupboard. oops.


  2. AND - I just read Justine's profile. Her favourite dish to cook is steak frites with bearnaise and she picks savory over sweet. We should be friends with her.

  3. ahem, me again...from Justine's Q&A:

    What three ingredients would you take with you to a desert island and what would you cook with them?
    A couple of cows, butter and potatoes.

    What's your favourite ingredient and why?
    Butter. Versatile and makes all meats, fish and vegetables extra tasty.

  4. First of all - I didn't realise you'd found that dress! That's awesome. You loved it, so that's ace you have it back. I'm sure it was Muz's fault it was on the wardrobe floor anyway...
    Secondly - Justine is coming from behind to look like she might win masterchef now. She's hilarious. Plus her favourite ingredient is butter. We'd definitely be friends with her. She's cooking off against Matt Moran tonight and from the looks of the ad, she totally stuffs it up, and then jumps around going "OH OH" with a huge grin on her face. What a legend. I think I'm a bit bored of Chris now, and I want her to win. Did you see the episode where she said that her mum used to own a French restaurant, and she grew up in the kitchen? AWESOME.
