Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Animal stories.

I love it when cute animal stories make the news or the papers. It's awesome. I'm a total sucker for it. And today, in addition to the "pet of the day section" (GREAT idea by the way - the AFR would totally boost its readership if it did this), Sunrise also had a story about a four year old boy who flushed his little one week old cocker spaniel puppy down the toilet to clean it. Ba ha ha. And then he blamed his two year old brother for making the dog dirty. The dog lived, and it's all over the net. I just saw it on the news too. And the dog and the kid are totally cute.

Another awesome thing is that it's not quite 6pm, and I'm at home and in my PJ's. I very quickly volunteered to go to some productivity commission hearings because they were just around the corner from home, so I got to come home for lunch, and I got to file from home, and when I was done, it was just a short walk to the living room to hit the couch and read my new Delicious mag. So while normally I'd still be at my desk, I'm in my uggs watching Dr Phil reading food porn. Win, win!!

UPDATE: So my veggie curry was cooking, I was still revelling in my pyjama and Ugg-bootedness, and then Jamie called me and was all "so, do you want to go to Pizza e Birra for dinner". uumm, yes, of course I do, I'm breathing aren't I. Turns out he flew back early for a surprise!!! Best surprise ever. I was sitting here thinking how great it was that he'd be on his way home this time tomorrow, and then there he was! YAY!

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