Saturday, June 27, 2009

Anniversary burgers...

So we were married for six months last weekend, which might not seem like a long time, but as I've pointed out to a few people, it's better than Pamela Anderson's (accumulated) marriages, so hey, it's something. And it was a Saturday night, so we got a cheap deal on wotif, and checked ourselves into the Sheraton on the Park (where Michael Jackson got married once).
The plan was always to get room service and watch a movie. So... here were the burgers. They were tasty, and we both gave them a 7 out of ten. Truly though, eating a burger in your bathrobe in a five star hotel is an experience that rates very near to the top of my favourite things to do. And of course, booze must be involved.
We bought a couple of cases of wine not long ago at a bottleshop, and I was suckered in by these medals on a bottle of bubbles, but failed to read the details of said awards. Turns out it's the "Best wine for enjoyment in the tropics" at the Cairns 2008 wine show... well... Sydney in winter is kind of uummm, tropical, when you look at palm trees, maybe? Anyway, the bubbles weren't terrible, but the "Marsha and Jamie 2009 wine show" won't be in a hurry to give it an award or buy it again.

Hubby pouring said bubbles. I dragged him out for a winter wardrobe update the next day, and it turns out the credit card company froze his card due to "abnormal card activity" after that days efforts. Ah ha ha. But he did really well.
"Hello, Dodd, what are you liking right now? What are you selling?" (couldn't help it - I was planning on posing for this photo as soon as I walked into the room and saw the phone and desk).
Note the possibly tropical plants outside??

1 comment:

  1. so hot I hope you turned your profits into more pinot.

    sadly only mozzies - no phones - in our various rooms these days.
