Saturday, June 13, 2009

Em and Muz visit.

Yeah, so Em and Muz came to visit last weekend, but I failed to take a single photo. Which should be testament to how much fun we had... Time and sensibility left us on Thursday night, and we all paid the price on Friday, but after a nap we were ready to go out for dinner. We went to Bistrode, which was nice, but I think we coud have all been more impressed. As always, having Em and Muz here was awesome fun, and time just few by... and then they were gone. If I belived in emoti-cons, I'd use a sad face there (I don't believe in emoti-cons). Em turned 30 on Thursday (even though I called her on Wednesday to wish her a happy birthday... at least I got in first), so HAPPY BIRTHDAY EM!!!


  1. Hi honey!
    aw, totally cute post by you. Thanks for the birthday wishes too, and the totally awesome clutch (which ps came to dinner at The Cabin on Saturday night, it's great, the clutch that is), and the flowers. So spoilt, just the way we like it...


  2. Our pleasure honey!! Glad you liked the clutch and flowers. Does this mean that cabin wasn't great?
    p.s. come back soon.
