Monday, November 28, 2011

17 weeks

Why can't weekends be longer?  I feel like I'm majorly on the countdown to Christmas and so looking forward to hanging out at home/ at a beach house for a while.  I just want some down time to relax and catch my breath a bit.
Another week has flown by.  The bump isn't getting noticeably more prominent, but it's rounding out, and I've also noticed that my upper torso is thickening up a bit.
This week we have an obstetrician's appointment, and if bebe is in the right position, we will be able to find out the sex!  People seem surprised we are finding out, and also that we aren't keeping it a secret.  It seems seems so faux dramatic to find out but then keep it a secret.  No one is going to be more interested than the mother and father, and it seems ridiculous to make everyone wait with faux bated breath to find out.  So, as soon as we know, we'll be telling people.
I'm kind of hating all my clothes right now.  I still think I look borderline between pregnant and too many pies.  I am starting to notice that it's harder to get up and down and haul myself around.  I can only imagine how difficult this is going to get if I'm already demanding Jamie give me a hand to get up off the floor.  And the bump keeps getting in the way unexpectedly when I'm leaning over and reaching for things, and it also touches my desk in front of me at work.  How am I supposed to sit at a desk when I'm big if the bump already touches the desk??  

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