Monday, November 7, 2011

14 weeks pregnant

So 14 weeks is now behind us.  But the tiredness isn't.  I thought it would go after 12 weeks, but it turns out it would rather stay.  This weekend I went to yoga on Saturday morning for the first time in a couple of weeks, and I don't know if it was the yoga or something else that wore me out, but I was TIRED AND CRANKY for pretty much the rest of the day.  Even napping during the day made me cranky.  We did have a lovely picnic with two sets of fabulous friends and their babies in Centennial Park, and my lunch basically consisted of three kinds of cake, so it wasn't all downside.  Sunday I just gave in to the tired and lay around all day - finished a book, finished season three of Breaking Bad, made a yummy salad for dinner with the hubby and painted my toenails.
This is week 14.  Stretchy waist clothes - where have you been all my life?  How will I ever go back?
This week I'm off to Melbourne for work for a couple of days.  After this trip, I'll be a gold frequent flier.  Awesome.  I've been a *little* bit obsessed with it lately, checking my status credits after each flight to see how close I am.  But this trip will tip me over into gold.  So I'll be able to use my complimentary Qantas club access for about four more months, and then it will go to waste for the next year while I can't fly (too pregnant) or don't want to fly (with a newborn).  Sigh.  And then I'll have to start all over again.  Having said that, I told a very nice Qantas man I was pregnant the other day and therefore needed an aisle seat... and he upgraded me to business!  Yes!!!  So I spent the whole flight from Melbourne to Sydney (and when I say the "whole" flight, it was an hour and 20 minutes) eating a very nice cheese plate.
As a total aside, and something not pregnancy related, we went and saw Paul Keating being interviewed by Kerry O'Brien last weekend for the release of his new book.  The Sydney Writers' Festival taped it and put it up on their website.  I'm not a massive political nerd, or even a non massive one, but I really loved it.  PK is just really funny and sharp, and if you have a spare hour or so, it's worth watching.


  1. Congratulations Marsha!! Emma told me your lovely news when I was in Sydney a couple weeks ago and everyone had just been told. Everyone's different... but I got my energy back at week 16 and it has held pretty strong since and I'm week 28! Very jealous about the no morning sickness... Good luck! Lisa O'Neill xo

  2. Hi Lisa! Thanks, and congrats to you too! Good to hear you got your energy back at 16 weeks... I'm nearly there. Are you blogging about your bump? Hope you aren't still sick! Do you know what you are having? xx

  3. No I got rid of the morning sickness at week 15/16 too... thank god! It was the pits! I have put up a few blogs at so you can see where I'm at! I'm loving reading over Em's old blogs to get tips too... I can't stop reading about other pregnant ladies to find common thought patterns/physical changes etc! And birth stories... they're addictive!
    Yes I am having a girl! Are you going to find out? It was such an exciting day xoxo

  4. Just headed over to your blog! You are looking great. And I'm envious of your commitment to excercise... Walking and yoga are the best I can manage right now. I'm also obsessed with googling pictures of pregnant people, especially around whatever week I happen to be.
    We are totally going to find out what we are having - Jamie and I are both convinced it's a girl. So if it is, I'll totally feel like I'm psychic, and if it's not, then I'll forget I ever had a feeling about it... I'm totally going to keep reading your blog. Hope everything keeps progressing really well for you. xx
