Tuesday, September 8, 2009

An open letter to the waiters of Surry Hills

Dear waiters (specifically the bespectacled manager at Milli Vini):
When did customers become the lucky ones to be served by you? If you can even call it being served that is. I think being patronised by you is a better description for the behaviour displayed by you two weeks ago, you rude, obnoxious, pretentious, git.
How is it conceivable to you to INSIST to a table of three customers, two of whom are frequent regulars at your establishment, that you told us that we had to leave by 8:30, and then when all three of us say you said no such thing, to start lecturing your paying customers about how every good restaurant in Sydney and Europe makes you leave at 8:30 without the slightest bit of contrition or hesitation. Sweetheart, don't talk to me about other restaurants - you need to focus on your home game.
I think you would have made a significant amount of money off us that evening, and you actually said no such thing to us on arriving, you only gesticulated in some unintelligible way when telling us our table was ready. Perhaps it was interpretive? Or maybe your black Tom Ford glasses are actually that big that they block your mouth and all the words coming out of it? If you had told us you needed our table at 8:30, we would have happily sat at the bar and finished the bottle of wine you just let us order. What we weren't so happy about was your totally pompous and utterly rude attitude. You aren't better than the people who come to the place you manage, and to carry on in the pretentious, argumentative, and ridiculous way you did and try and talk down to us has sealed for me the fact I will never again frequent the bar you manage, and will actively discourage others from going. Unfortunately, I do so dearly love the sister establishment to the wine bar, Pizza e Birra, and can't bring myself to boycott that too. But given you aren't even a part owner of either establishment, you won't be profiting off our spend there. I will however be letting the part owner of both establishments, who lives in our street, know exactly what I think of you. Well, maybe not exactly, because it's really quite obscene, but rest assured, you have secured yourself a place right up there on my list of disagreeable people (which is a great idea for a blog list... hhhmm).

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