Sunday, September 13, 2009


It's been a bit of a last minute thing, but tomorrow I fly to Jakarta for a week to hang out with the pezzers! Frank lives in Jakarta now, and mum is over there hanging out, and since I haven't seen them since our wedding, I thought I'd go see them, and take advantage of having someone to do my ironing, Ramadan sales, and day spa bargains.
I am assured that fresh fruit has been purchased, the Sex and the City box set can be purchased for $20 across the road, and that much delicious spicy food will be consumed. nom nom nom. I'm really excited by the food part of this. And also the shopping - pant pant pant. Sales everywhere apparently. Shopping and eating - I think everyone knows how I feel about those two activities, so it's going to be a good week.
Mum is pumped for a shopping rampage (awesome), and no-one can haggle quite like Dutch Annie, so I'm planning on coming back with much bootleg entertainment. And perhaps a few other items... just a few. The only problem will be being overwhelmed by the sheer size of some of the shopping centres. That and the fact I'm a bigfoot amazon woman compared to Indonesian women. But I'm in the market for some maxi-dresses (this is going to be the summer of the maxi I've decided), a new black work jacket (possibly in boyfriend or tuxedo style - I'm thinking Zara will have the sort of thing I have in mind), summer work flats, running pants, and of course anything else I lay eyes on and decide that I *need* and cannot possibly live without (sequined lace bolero cape anyone?).
I just need to stay on game and not get convinced I have to buy things I don't really want because they are sooo cheap and on sale. I tend to lose perspective in those situations. But I've been better lately - recessionista rationalisation.
I haven't been back to Jakarta since we left in rather a big hurry at the start of 1998, and while I don't really remember much about it, it will be interesting to see how it does compare nearly 12 years on.
It's not a city you'd go to for a holiday, but I'm looking forward to a week of hanging out with mum + eating + shopping. It's a shame J-Mo couldn't come, but we've booked our Christmas trip to Vancouver over the weekend, so that's also something to look forward to! We are flying into San Fran and then hiring a car and driving up to Vancouver. Fun!!
I'll update the blog from JKT!

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