Saturday, September 19, 2009

Crab dinner.

The parents and me last night out for crab. That claw was the size of my hand - that's a dinner plate - not a side plate. It was white pepper crab, the signature dish of the place we went and totally nommy. I abandoned all utensils, and just ate everything with my hands - rice, tofu, veg. The waiter asked me if I wanted a fork, and I was all "no - why??" Ah ha ha.
We had a quick drink at a very cool bar afterwards. I had an earl grey and mandarin sour, and it was REALLY good. That foam on top wasn't creamy at all and totally tasted like earl grey. Jamie and I have earl grey tea every night, so it totally reminded me of him. I've been missing the hubby this week, and while it's been fun to see the pezzers, I can't wait to be back home and hanging with him.

Ma and Pa...

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