Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Korean booze

So Hite is the Korean beer we were drinking on Friday night. Jamie marvelled at its remarkable similarity to soft drink, and hence marketability to children. I was more intrigued by the small foil label on the neck, versus the paper label on the main body of the bottle.

It didn't taste like a great deal, mostly water, so it could have been worse. The point of it really was to wash down the Soju: a "distilled beverage native to Korea."

Another show of of fantastic Korean labelling - "fresh" - inclining one to think this may be water, or some sort of good for you beverage. Fresh indeed it was. You drink it in shots throughout your meal (which are in the foreground of the first photo), and you must show respect to the eldest person at the table by letting them hold their glass the highest.

So here is our revered elder with a bottle of Soju...

It kind of tastes like a lot like sake, a bit sweeter. The purpose is clearly to get pissed, so who were we to culturally offend?

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