Sunday, May 10, 2009


Its been an exciting food based weekend. On Friday we went out with oz, Blake and two of their friends from Canada. He (Doug) is from where my mum and dad live, and she (Jess) is from where my brother Phil goes to school. Totally strange co-incidence.
Anyway, Doug lived in Korea for a few years, and on Friday night we went out for Korean. It was awesome. Doug took charge and ordered everything for us (in Korean - we had total cred with the waiters) and it was great. It was a BBQ place with the little pit and hot coals so you cook your own meat, and have lots of sauces and soups and other tasty morsels to go with it. And plum wine. Which is kind of like sake, but not as strong. Which isn't to say my head wasn't throbbing the next morning... when we caught up with Liam for a really yummy breakfast. After our brekkie, I wandered down to Chinatown to go to the mega-Asian-IGA they have there. I get TOTALLY excited and go a bit mad. Jamie wisely stayed home (and I took that as license to also go check out some factory outlets that are in the same shopping centre and got two totally reasonable winter knits and two cute gym tops). But Asia-mart is awesome - so much that I just have no idea what it is, what to do with or what the label even says. It's totally un-westerner friendly. I took about an hour just looking at things, and then re-looking trying to find things. I did fairly well - the only thing I couldn't find were fermented black beans.
So, pictured is my loot, which includes: rice wine, sesame oil, fermented soy beans, chili oil, sambal, mega pack of fresh tofu, fried tofu chunks, soba noodles, Chinese sausage, fresh noodles, dried shrimp, snake beans and bok choy. A very successful trip... and we are going to eat well this week!

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