Monday, September 27, 2010

As suspected, the majority of us should not be wearing harem pants.


I'm officially old.  For the first time ever, someone sincerely told me as a compliment that my haircut made me look younger.  Pretty much since becoming a teenager, the goal has been to look older, but the tables have turned.  Now clearly I look old, so the goal is to be young.  Sigh.  Here comes 30 (March 28 in case you were wondering).

Bridge run

Last weekend we joined 35,000 of our closest friends in the Sydney Running Festival.  You can do a marathon (no thanks), a half marathon (no thanks), a 9k run (yes please) or a 4k run (are you soft?).  They close down the Harbour Bridge for the event, and the run we did takes you from Milsons Point (North Shore), over the bridge, to the Opera House, via Lady Macquarie's Point.  Which is reasonably hard to beat in terms of spectacular surrounds.  Ahhh, Sydney.  You are a pretty lady.  My goal was to get under 54 minutes (6 minute k's), and if I got under 50 mins (5:30 k's) I was going to be really pleased.... And I did 49:09 - so bring on the smug.  Which lasted about ten minutes until I saw the marathoners crossing the line.  Turns out I'm not so great.

Bebe Bunny

I've been waiting for Em to post about her new little baby before I did, and she has, so game on.  BUNNY IS HERE!!  And, just to make this about me - it turns out I'm psychic.  We were having breakfast two weeks ago at Cafe Zoe (a fav of ours and the Wheaters) and for no particular reason (other than I'm psychic) I announced that I thought Em was going to go into labour today.  Not one minute later Em and Muz walked into the cafe (we weren't planning to meet them), and that night she went into labour.  She was born quickly via a c-section, and the next day we went for a visit.
She was (and still is) very chubby, she has mum's nose, blue eyes, and looong legs.  Em was (and still is) amazing.  I'm so proud of her.  She's calm, patient, tender and you can tell the mamma bear instinct has immediately kicked in.
We've had a few more visits with Bunny (whose real name is Josephine Scarlett Wheater) since, and she's lovely.  So little and sweet.  I am so looking forward to spending lots of time with her and watching her grow up for many years to come.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Karl Largerfeld is AWESOME

This article bemoans the lack of bitchy designers, because bitchiness is the real reason we are all interested in fashion, and includes some quotes from everyone's favourite bitchy designer, Karl Largerfeld.
"When, back in the '90s, the Met bagged a Chanel retrospective in favor of a Jackie Kennedy homage, Karl said, "It's perfect. They can call it the Necropolitan Museum.
"When Pierre Cardin banned the press from his shows, Karl said, "That's like a women without lovers asking for the Pill.
"When nemesis/colleague Kitty D'Alessio was put out to pasture, Karl said, "The good news is that Kitty D'Alessio has been made director of special projects. The bad news is there are no special projects.
"When his mother asked what he wanted for his birthday, Karl said, "A valet." He was 4 years old. "

Current affairs meets the runway

In an article and slideshow on dictator fashion.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


In the last couple of days, without deliberately doing it, I've come across three articles or presentations on luck.  Which has really stuck in my mind, because I think it's really out of the ordinary for it to happen with that frequency in so short a period of time, and you are supposed to take notice of coincidences.  Is the universe trying to tell me something?  What?  Am I lucky?  Do I need to do something to be luckier?  I don't know... So then I got thinking about whether I consider myself a lucky person - which I definitely think I am in the general sense, but on a daily basis I don't consider myself lucky, you know, in the "gee it's lucky I won lotto, found this pair of diamond earrings and got sent to France on a food tour for work" kind of way (come on universe, come through with that one).  In large part, I do think people make their own luck - if you put energy out and work hard for what you want, things come back to you.  But that isn't really luck, it's more like a return on the investment you put in.  I don't think I actually believe in luck just happening to people.  Apparently you can make yourself luckier and lucky people have certain traits.  But I think I'll just stick to more tangible ways to get what I want (but feel free to come through with the lotto, diamonds, France scenario, universe.  I'd really like that).

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Snore. Wear a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and if you want to shock me.

Gaga is at it again.  Surely she's running out of ways to get more extreme?

Blog additions

I spend a lot of time reading things online - just an FYI to blog readers - I've decided that I'm going to post more links to stuff I find interesting.
Starting with this atricle on the Guardian (which I suspect will heavily feature in my stuff I find interesting links) about the Pentagon buying up an entire run of a book so they can pulp it, which I find extraordinary - really Pentagon??  Is this the best way you can manage this?

Monday, September 6, 2010

Time off and first day

So, I was going to be a good blogger in my three weeks off work.  Turns out no.  I can't believe it, but I was actually really busy!  I got loads of jobs done that have been building up for ages, and crossed almost everything off the list.  We also squeezed in a week in Fiji, which was nice.  I mean it certainly wasn't awful lying around doing nothing but it was all just so... totally non challenging.  Plus the food was average.  It would be great if you had kids (which most people did), but in terms of what we were looking for, it missed the mark a bit.  Even though we were upgraded to the presidential suite after I became livid after we were woken up by construction on our first morning(!!!).  I definitely prefer a bit more activity in my holidays, but taking the time to watch the sun set every night (aided by a large bottle of duty free gin) and wind down was just what I needed.
And then in the blink of an eye, the three weeks was up and my alarm was going off on Monday morning.  But it was accompanied by a lot more anticipation, excitement, and general feelings of positiveness than usual.  Today I had my first day at work!  It was quiet (for me, everyone else was busy), but it feels like it's going to be really good.  Everyone was very thoughtful, and I can't wait to actually be useful, rather than just asking a million annoying questions.