Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Athletic results

So, we got through it.  On the hottest day on record in Sydney, we ran a 7km race.  When we got up at 5.30 to get to the run it was already 27 degrees.  Unsurprisingly, it didn't get any better once the sun came up.  Nor did it get better when we missed the start of the race and had to battle through the prams and walkers.  The very hilly course and lack of shade topped it all off.  I was smashed at the end.  That run was hard.  Really bloody hard.  But we did it.  Me in a rather slow 39.09 (which works out at 6 minute k's, when I know I can do 5.30 k's), placing me 311th in my age group.  I didn't throw up and I didn't collapse.  So I feel like a winner.  My only regret is not having the energy to get up to chide some f*ckwit standing by the finishing line smoking.
Conditions were far more suited to the swim the next day.  And very conveniently, we were staying in a hotel in Manly, and slept with an air conditioner on all night, when we would have otherwise roasted at home.  Campari, riesling and veal steaks by the beach is how all athletes prepare for races right? 
J-Mo did his 1k swim at 9am, and my 2k wave started at 11, so we had a bit of waiting around, but I can think of worse places to be than waiting on the beach on a hot day.
Like last year, my strategy was to try and start at the front of the pack, get scrappy, and get out in front of the crowd to avoid the blender of bodies that inevitably forms at the start of one of these things.  All of these things I achieved.  I hurt far more people than they hurt me.  I veered off course pretty dramatically at one stage, and didn't find as many people to swim in the wake of as I did last year, but it was nice to be out in the water.  Finish time 38.37, placing me 30th in my age group.
And I am feeling all kinds of soreness after those efforts.  And therefore perfectly validated in going off to get a massage.

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