Friday, February 18, 2011


I shouldn't be surprised, because this is Sydney, and if something cool and food related is on, chances are it's not going to be a well kept secret.  The Malaysian food markets were chockers.  A line of several hundred people down the street to get into a little lane way.  But I remained upbeat.  It was only just after 6pm, and we had heaps of time.  I joined the line without hesitating, dreaming of roti, nasi lemak, and rendang, while the more sensible of the two of us asked a security guard how long it was likely to take.  Not a chance we were getting in tonight, the sensible one was told.  Shortly after, my dreams were crushed as a good two thirds of the line were sent away, told that there were too many people and we wouldn't be eating Malaysian tonight.  Mentally, I dropped to my knees wailing, and only managed to not physically do the same.  After a bit of carry on form me, we decided to hotfoot it up to the cinema, where Em had told us the food was good.  It actually turned out really well to do that, because we could reserve our seats, get some nice food (pork with mushy peas and corn on the cob for both of us, and a vanilla pannacotta with peaches for desert), enjoy a bottle of wine and look at the SPECTACULAR view.  Naturally, I didn't bring my camera to capture any of this, but it was amazing.  It's so well done and I can see why everyone raves about it.  We really loved it.  And we had a perfect night for it too.  It was so warm that I didn't even need to put a cardi on over my dress when it got dark.  It's totally an iconic Sydney thing to do, and I'm really pleased we did it.  We've resolved to try and get tickets every year from now on.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Malaysian noodle markets

I deeply love Malaysian food.  I get way more excited about eating it than say Indian (too heavy), Thai (all a bit the same), Indonesian (pretty good really) or Vietnamese food (not enough saucy stuff).  Even Chinese food (which I'm not going to criticise, that would be wrong.  Although I didn't need to see The Biggest Loser last night saying how many calories was ).  It kind of feels like a mix of the best of all of these things.  And there's roti.  Which when done well drives me to levels of frenzied excitement.  We went to the night noodle markets in Hyde Park earlier this year, and made a beeline for Jackie M's stall.  Had amazing roti, rendang (my favourite curry), and gado gado.  I think a chicken curry too.  All amazing.
Imagine my joy when reading about the Malaysia Kitchen Food Market.  We are heading there tonight, and I am really excited.  Just this picture made me want to fall off my chair into a pile of drool.  It doesn't help that I'm already starving, but seriously... YUM!!
And afterwards I have tickets to the open air cinema at Mrs Macquarie's Chair.  It's a total Sydney institution, and we've never got tickets before - mainly because for a few years I just didn't believe that the entire season sells out within an hour of going on sale - it does.  By all accounts, it's totally magic.  The screen is out over the water, and you have the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge in the background.
And then we go home to our visitors from Perth, Benno and Sasch, who are staying for what is shaping up to be an epic weekend of Sydney show and tell!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy valentines day

What could be more romantic than a short clip of videos of dogs trained to make noises disturbingly similar to "I love you".  Awesome!5760394/heres-a-video-of-dogs-saying-i-love-you
p.s. where is my heart shaped baloon, husband?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Athletic results

So, we got through it.  On the hottest day on record in Sydney, we ran a 7km race.  When we got up at 5.30 to get to the run it was already 27 degrees.  Unsurprisingly, it didn't get any better once the sun came up.  Nor did it get better when we missed the start of the race and had to battle through the prams and walkers.  The very hilly course and lack of shade topped it all off.  I was smashed at the end.  That run was hard.  Really bloody hard.  But we did it.  Me in a rather slow 39.09 (which works out at 6 minute k's, when I know I can do 5.30 k's), placing me 311th in my age group.  I didn't throw up and I didn't collapse.  So I feel like a winner.  My only regret is not having the energy to get up to chide some f*ckwit standing by the finishing line smoking.
Conditions were far more suited to the swim the next day.  And very conveniently, we were staying in a hotel in Manly, and slept with an air conditioner on all night, when we would have otherwise roasted at home.  Campari, riesling and veal steaks by the beach is how all athletes prepare for races right? 
J-Mo did his 1k swim at 9am, and my 2k wave started at 11, so we had a bit of waiting around, but I can think of worse places to be than waiting on the beach on a hot day.
Like last year, my strategy was to try and start at the front of the pack, get scrappy, and get out in front of the crowd to avoid the blender of bodies that inevitably forms at the start of one of these things.  All of these things I achieved.  I hurt far more people than they hurt me.  I veered off course pretty dramatically at one stage, and didn't find as many people to swim in the wake of as I did last year, but it was nice to be out in the water.  Finish time 38.37, placing me 30th in my age group.
And I am feeling all kinds of soreness after those efforts.  And therefore perfectly validated in going off to get a massage.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Like counting cards, but with scratchie tickets

This is fascinating.  A mathematician has cracked the algorithms for some scratchies.  And Lotto organisers aren't on top of it.  But organised crime appears to be.

Friday, February 4, 2011

This is really adorable

Photos that LGBT men and women have submitted of themselves as children which show the beginnings of their incinations.  Very cute.

Athletic weekend

Last year we did the Cole Classic, and quiet enjoyed it, so this year we are going back for more.  The Cole creators have also created a new (as in the first time they've run it) run the day before.  Both are on at Manly, and we are staying the night on Saturday night to truly get into the vibe.  Naturally, Sydney is in the middle of a heatwave and there is a cyclone above Queensland, so we are scheduled for a minumim temperature of 25 degrees tonight (we run tomorrow morning) and then "difficult" surf conditions and rain on Sunday.  But I guess that's part of the fun of doing these things, you have to battle through somewhat less than ideal conditions.  I have been trying to bust a gut (literally) with excercise this year, but have been mixing it up a lot, so haven't done as much running or swimming as I'd like, so I'm not feeling totally prepared.  I know I can do the distances, but I just don't think I will be doing them in the best time possible.  But that's fine.  I will keep you posted on our form!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Early in the year, J-Mo booked us a five day getaway here.  It's just over the Qld border, and we thought it looked marvelous.  It ticked all our boxes - nice view, isolated, quiet, close to wine and food, and very importantly, our own kitchen to cook in.  "So we'll be flying?" I asked.  "No," he answered. 
Now, J-Mo and I are fond of a road trip.  I tend to fall asleep and provide entertaining banter, while he drives the whole time.  So clearly I get the better end of the deal there.
Despite my concerns about floods, swept away roads, and school holiday traffic, it was actually a remarkably easy drive (keep in mind I only drove about two hours out of nine).  Jamie also agrees with that assessment though.  It was a lovely spot.  While Qld isn't typically associated with wine, there were a lot of wineries around us, and they were very uncommercialised.  As LFT said, the place hadn't been overrun by women in linen pants.  Aside from wineries, we visited a cidery, cheese factory, Italian deli (for some reason they have a store bigger than the Re store in the middle of a country town - go figure) and the Tamworth Country Music festival!  We did only stop for lunch, but you could tell something big was happening.
So the accoms at Azjure were lovely.  The owners have clearly thought very hard about anything and everything you could possibly need and were very nice and helpful.  We spent a lot of time just hanging out on the deck, reading, watching TV, drinking wine, pottering, and watching the sun set.  There were a group of five kangaroos that came and said hi every night.  It was very relaxing and pleasant.  I think it's only when you get away from the noise and confined spaces of inner city living that you realise how noisy and cramped it is, and it was good to get a bit of a sense of space again.  It was also good to get away for a bit after spending Christmas in Sydney.  Jamie smashed out the drive home on Australia Day while I consumed diet Bundaberg ginger beer (my new obsession).  Pics to follow.