Monday, November 29, 2010

Notable books of 2010

The NYT has compiled a list of the 100 most notable books from 2010 - of which I've read about three, but at least there's lots of good ideas for summer reading.  And I'm reasoning that since I don't really read non-fiction, that rules out half the list, so of the parts of the list that I read, I've got a 6% strike rate, which is nearly 10%, and that's verging on acceptable???  Anyone?  Anyone?  OK, fine.  Notable literature isn't my forte.  But I do love lists like this which you can save, and then order the books from the library over the course of a long period of time.  The library has been a feature of my life that I've been loving this year, especially the ability to get online and order your books from all the libraries in the City of Sydney network.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Food with a story

I love reading the food sections of various newspapers around the world.  I think that the recipes that are without a doubt the best come from the New York Times.  Never overly complicated, often a bit different, usually accompanied by lovely stories, and without fail - delicious. 
Take this for example - about a woman who owns an Indian restaurant in Vancouver, and was horrified when some men visiting from Montana ordered only meat, and quickly and happily turned down any suggestion of veg.  The woman told them she couldn't do that for them, and would make them a veg dish to go with their meat - if the didn't like it, they didn't have to pay.  All ends well, because they loved it, got their intake of greens, and happily paid.
Last night for dinner I made these three dishes of hers - kale, chickpeas and lamb, and they were beautiful.  We fired up the BBQ for the first time this summer, which was amazingly exciting.  Nothing smells quite as good as fat charring on a BBQ on a warm night.  It was all really easy, and we'll definitely be doing it again.

Buffy! But it's not good news...

Those who know me well, know I am a very great and long standing fan of the TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  So I was excited - only moderately though, because a movie length movie is only ever going to be about two hours, and it's hard to get all the nuances and sub plots revving in that long - to see that they are making a new Buffy movie.  Until I read that they are involving none of the original cast, and even more curiously, they are not involving the creator Joss Whedon?!?  WHAT are they thinking??  It's going to be a disaster, and so it should be for that sort of stupidity.  I, for one, won't be going to see it.  And maybe I'll watch all nine seasons of Buffy again, just to prove a point.  That no one but me will benefit from.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Bernie Madoff auction!

Awesome pics of items belonging to Bernie Madoff going to auction over the weekend.  I want the monogrammed slippers (and the ten carat diamond ring)!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


In case you were dying to know how my challening a recent parking fine went - it didn't go so well.  And I'm livid about it.  Some grumpy parking inspector tickets us for parking "within 10 meters of an intersection without traffic lights" in SURRY HILLS.  WTF!?!  There is hardly any parking not within 10 meters of an intersection without traffic lights in Surry Hills.  It's just that everywhere else there are signs, but there wasn't here.  Maybe if I was blocking traffic in any way or even not a local with a clearly displayed parking permit I would have understood more.  Otherwise it's just mean, and while I've never really hated parking inspectors before, but now I understand the impulse project venom and rage, and lectures about karma at the upholders of parking bylaw.  Rapidly.  Here's the reply I got yesterday.  They weren't even interested in my phots!!  Humourless killjoys:

09 November 2010
Dear Mr/Ms Jacobs,
We are writing about your contact with us regarding penalty notice 3052706223.
We examined the details of the penalty notice and considered the issues you raise. Based on the circumstances you describe we cannot, under our Review Guidelines, cancel or offer leniency for this offence. We conclude that the penalty still applies.
We acknowledge your comment about the absence of no parking signs around the area where this offence occurred. The restrictions regarding parking a vehicle within 10 metres of an intersecting do not require signposting as they form part of the general road rules. A driver must not stop a vehicle within 10 metres of an intersecting road without traffic lights, unless permitted by signposting.
We appreciate you taking time to provide photographs in support of your request for leniency.
Unfortunately, photographs taken subsequent to an offence are generally not accepted as
evidence when we consider a request for review, as we are unable to confirm the location and
time they were taken or that they reflect the circumstances at the time of the offence.
The person named on the notice must act by the due date on the penalty reminder notice. If they do not act by the specified date, an enforcement order will be issued and additional costs will apply.
We will send a penalty reminder notice separately showing the options to finalise this matter. If the person named on the notice wishes to dispute the fine further they can request to have it decided in court up to the due date on the reminder notice. Legislation sets this deadline and it is unable to be extended. Please note: as we have already conducted a review of this penalty notice, we are not required to conduct a further review.
If you would like more information please call 1300 138 118 between 8:00am and 5:30pm,
Monday to Friday, or visit our website at Our website outlines the fines
process including the Review Guidelines, and has answers to frequently asked questions,
standard forms and other useful information.
Yours sincerely,

Vegas loot

Firstly, we have some Vera Wang perfume.  Which leads to me *hilariously* giggling and asking people to "smell my wang".  And when I say "people" I mean Jamie, and Em, and Muz.  Although I'm seeing a few people next week I haven't seen for a while, so if you get it, pretend you haven't heard (read) it before.
Next up, my very hot dress.  Which I stand around in, legs crossed, hip jutting out, just like this picture.  Doesn't help me get a table at Porteno on a Friday night at 6 o'clock though - fifty other people were there earlier than us.

And last, because I really love the DVF "wild quail" print, a scarf.  Which I need to point out I don't wear with the dress (it's the same print).

So all in all, some excellent pressies.  Feeling very pleased about my new treasures, and also to have hubby home, even if he also gave me a cold.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Meat free Monday

Jamie and I have been doing meat free Mondays for about three months now!  And we've stuck with it, which is mildly surprising to me.  I thought Jamie wouldn't be that into it, but he totally is.  It's sometimes hard to break away from rice and pasta based dishes, but it's not like eating rice and pasta are a hardship, so we've been really enjoying it.
Our motivation is mostly for health reasons - really, we don't need to eat meat 7 days a week, and it's just so easy to do without thinking about it.  Also I'm trying not to buy unhappy meat from the supermarket any more, which means the meat I do buy is more expensive, therefore I should try to buy less.
Last night was a definite highlight in the MFM menus to date.  I've unknowingly clipped this recipe and stuck it in my collection three separate times over the years, so there must be something very appealing about it to me.  Which is probably the fact that it's spicy deep fried tofu with a sauce based on a wholly unreasonable amount of butter.  And it is OMG delicious.  I'd happily go without meat for something this tasty most days of the week.  It's got amazing texture - crunchy on the outside and soft and silky on the inside, the sauce is dark, intense, spicy and peppery, and it is totally fulfilling and delicious.

As if telling me once wasn't bad enough, telling me twice is like rubbing salt in an open wound.

Thank you for your interest in attending 'The Oprah Show' from Sydney, Australia. You are receiving this email because we have had reports that some of you may not have been able to view the previous version that was sent. We are sending this email to ensure you are aware of the status of your ticket request(s).
Unfortunately, we were unable to accommodate your request(s) for this ticket reservation window due to overwhelming demand. We will email you if more tickets become available for these tapings of The Oprah Show in Sydney, Australia.

We apologize for any confusion you may have encountered.
The Oprah Show Audience Team