Saturday, April 10, 2010

Getting there!

We are making progress and it's quite exciting!  The tiling is all done now, and they just need to stick in the other bits like a toilet and sink and we will be done!  They've told us that they will be finished onThursday, so we should be back in by next weekend, which is great.
This is what we came home to last night - it isn't grouted yet, so will look even better after that happens.  Jamie isn't sure about the mosaic yet, but I'm a big fan.
Here it is up close - pinks, blues and greys.  I really like it, and it compliments the floor really well.  When all the other stuff is in and we have some nice matching towels, I think it's going to be excellent.  And it's nice looking into the bathroom from the kitchen and seeing a bath and some nice tiles rather than a toilet (which is what it was before).

While we'll be glad to get back into our house, we've been having a ball with Em and Muz, it's lots of fun living with them.  Yelling at So You Think You Can Dance, cooking, eating leftover Easter chocolate, playing with Pedro, going out for team activities.  They've been so generous letting us stay and invade their house, and we've loved every minute!

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