Saturday, February 20, 2010

Time lies

Hmmm, the title of this post was supposed to be time flies, but a typo means it's time lies.  I quite like it.  It's been a while since I posted - hence the time flying/lying - work has been full on and I just don't know where the last couple of weeks have gone.  Jamie is really busy too, and we just seem to be passing each other by in the evenings and mornings.  But despite that, I'm feeling really close to him - we are both aware that each other is under the pump, and trying to do what we can for each other.
I wrote a piece in this weekend's paper that I'm particularily pleased with.  Normally I just do what I need to do in the quickest time possible and don't really think about style - I know how to do a story, so I just go on auto pilot.  But this piece was longer than normal (1500 words) and I really worked and re-worked it over a couple of days with some help from wiser people at the paper.  I'm really happy with the outcome, and I got a really touching message from the person it was about this morning, which of course makes it extra worthwhile.
And speaking of time lies - my Cole time was 36 minutes - not the 35 I posted about.  I haven't been in the pool since, but we are planning on going tomorrow morning.
Em is on her way over right now and we are going to IKEA (which is an epic journey out to Homebush)!  Obviously, that's asking for a post when I get home, so I'll be sure to let you know about all the things I couldn't possibly live without, but didn't know I needed until I saw, ASAP.

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