Sunday, February 21, 2010


I'm definitely the sort of person who wants to have organised kitchen cupboards with neatly labelled containers.  It gives me great satisfaction.  And while a bout of pantry moths was really the motivation, I don't know why I haven't done this sooner.  BTW - those moths are the most annoying things ever.  EVER.  How do they get into EVERYTHING??
Needless to say, the trip to IKEA was fruitful.  I bought storage containers for the kitchen, document boxes and tealights (naturally - it wouldn't be a trip to IKEA without buying tealights - seriously - 100 for $4 - you just can't beat that).
The IKEA here is huge.  We needed sustainance before hitting the and home organisation section - smoked salmon for me, pasta for Em.
We were giggling about how much fun we were having extensively discussing pros and cons of different containers, wandering through sections we didn't need to, squealing over funny stuffed animals, talking at length about whether we needed certain things or not etc, and how it would be the definition of hell for the hubbys. Clearly it goes without saying they stayed home...

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