Friday, June 22, 2012

35 to 38 weeks pregnant

In case you were wondering, my long absence from the blog does not mean I am 46 weeks pregnant.  Archie Richard Moses was born eight weeks ago, on a Friday afternoon at 5:12 pm (cocktail hour!).  Before I write about both the birth and all about his first six weeks, I'll finish up the pregnancy posts.
Here is me on the morning of the day I went into labour - I went to a work meeting, so got to wear a nice dress. 38 weeks plus 6 days:
But I can assure you, it wasn't all pretty dresses and makeup in the end of the pregnancy.  It was mostly stretchy clothes and ugg boots.  As evidenced here at 37 weeks.
 I did do prenatal yoga right up to the end of my pregnancy, and I'm sure it really helped me through the labour and with my recovery.  I've really missed it since (I haven't gone back to yoga yet, but fingers crossed I will tomorrow).  Heading to a yoga class at 36 weeks:
 And 35 weeks:


  1. Yay! Rainford is back!

    Hi Arch :)


  2. Hurrah I was so worried to not have heard about the big arrival, congratulations Marsha! Archie is such a fantastic name, I love it! Hope you are feeling great, I can't believe your baby is 8 weeks already - you must be getting smiles, I loved that time. And it keeps getting better and better, babies are the coolest. So happy to hear the news, congratulations to you and Jamie xoxo Lisa (I have to sign in as anonymous as it deletes my comments when I sign up as wordpress for some reason...)
