Wednesday, December 7, 2011

18 weeks - nearly half way!

It's amazing to think I'm nearly half way through this pregnancy.  Time is just flying, and the days when we have a small human being to look after are fast approaching.  I've been thinking a lot more about birth and actually having a baby rather than just being pregnant.  We saw the baby last week at the obstetrician's, but it had its legs crossed (how modest!), so he couldn't see if it was a boy or a girl.  But we should find out on Monday when we do the full morphology scan.
We met with our doula on the weekend and I asked her lots of what felt like stupid questions, like, if I have to have a caesar, can I have my glasses on (yes - phew).
In other news, we sold our house this week, which is a huge relief.  There will be a bit of an overlap between when we move into the new place and settle Rainford, but it's nothing major.  We bought a new fridge, outdoor setting, dining table and chairs (we went with the old weathered looking table, rather than the Danish looking one), and a TV cabinet on the weekend.  All getting delivered on move day, which is going to be interesting.  I've hired packers to make life easier, but really, moving is never easy.  At least we don't have much stuff, and it should be relatively easy.  And we can take our time unpacking.

1 comment:

  1. Belly deffo beginning to look more like there's a baby in there and less like too many pies.

