Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The night Liam ruined Christmas

This weekend I had a quick trip to Perth. I'm still recovering - ugh. A great time was had though. Flew in Friday morning, had a spot of lunch at Il Lido with Em and Drew, nom, nom.
After a quick nap, it was off to Drew's to catch up with Liam, Benno, Sasha, Matt and Annie. Somehow six hours passed and many, many bottles of wine were drunk. It was great to see everyone, and I'm pretty sure I ranted and raved and caried on (I definitely know I writhed around on the floor to a Mariah Carey song with Drew), but that was nothing compared to what Liam did... After we (I) put some christmas carols on someone (Drew) decided to pull out his christmas decorations (and a drill to hang them). The drill was prohibited by someone (Liam) but that didn't stop the ornaments coming out (and did they keep coming...). After being roughly set up on every flat surface, more merriment ensued. The night wound to its inevitable end, and as Liam got up to say bye to Benno he RUINED CHRISTMAS and knocked over a family of homeless carollers. Legs, bits of christmas tree, heads - everywhere. So now no one will have a merry Christmas.
On the upside though, the apartment is totally cute. Here's some pics.
Team bubbles.
Nigella wares...
Sorry, who??

And of course you need three tagines.

Boozy Thai diner.

1 comment:

  1. "I ranted and raved and carried on" good to see you were flying the flag for this sort of behaviour without your long term ranty pal doddfactor.

    although I suspect you were not alone....

