Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Two days of work before holidays...

Ok, I know it's been like a month since I blogged, and it was never the intention to leave it this long... time just seems to fly sometimes. I'll be better.
Speaking of flying (nice segue Marsh), we get on a plane for two weeks in NZ on Friday. For those of you that don't know (which I don't think there are many, because I suspect that there are only three regular readers of the blog) we are off driving around the south island.
I think that the anticipation of knowing you are going on a holiday is almost as good as actually being on holidays. Nothing can bug me this week (except the nightmare of only being able to take 20kg of baggage - for TWO weeks, in WINTER - it's a very hard ask for the person that regularly takes 30kg for a weekend in Perth in summer).
Right now, this is my happy place, should the occasion arise that I need one, and it also happens to be the place we are staying at for three nights next week. Em and Muz stayed on their trip to NZ a couple of years ago and raved about it, and when I saw the pics, I was dying to go...

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