Friday, July 24, 2009


Honestly... who can pack only 20kg when their suitcase alone weighs 10kg??? It's an hour before we are due to go to the airport, and I have spent the last two hours piling everything I want to take on the bed, pulling out stuff I might not conceivably need or pine for if I don't have it, and then setting myself the challenge of pulling out another five items. I'm still in pj's and need to get up to the library before we leave... but I think I've got the suitcase situ sorted. In a controversial move, I'm leaving the big green case at home, and taking two smaller bags which aren't designed to withstand nuclear warfare and therefore don't weigh as much.
OMG - I've just realised that I haven't packed my Uggs. This requires situation requires some thought...
I don't know if I'll be able to post while we are away (laptops weigh too much in this weight critical environment), but I'll try! EEEKKKK!!! HHHOOONNNEEEYYYMMMOOONNNN!!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Two days of work before holidays...

Ok, I know it's been like a month since I blogged, and it was never the intention to leave it this long... time just seems to fly sometimes. I'll be better.
Speaking of flying (nice segue Marsh), we get on a plane for two weeks in NZ on Friday. For those of you that don't know (which I don't think there are many, because I suspect that there are only three regular readers of the blog) we are off driving around the south island.
I think that the anticipation of knowing you are going on a holiday is almost as good as actually being on holidays. Nothing can bug me this week (except the nightmare of only being able to take 20kg of baggage - for TWO weeks, in WINTER - it's a very hard ask for the person that regularly takes 30kg for a weekend in Perth in summer).
Right now, this is my happy place, should the occasion arise that I need one, and it also happens to be the place we are staying at for three nights next week. Em and Muz stayed on their trip to NZ a couple of years ago and raved about it, and when I saw the pics, I was dying to go...

Drew's visit

Drew has just been to stay for the weekend, and lots of fun was had. I like to think we covered all the important bases. We got off to a good start when Drew turned up with a bottle of wine that matched my fingernails. Clearly it was a sign.

We had the wine with lasagna that I made that day. As I pointed out to the boys, the buffalo mozzarella I used cost as much as all the other ingredients combined. You know that's a good sign. It was a Neil Perry recipe and it was really delish.
Jamie happened to be at Neil Perry's new restaurant for lunch with someone who knew Neil Perry, and Neil Perry came out and said hi, so Jamie had two Neil Perry recipes that day, one cooked by Neil, and one cooked by me.
Jamie chose not to take me up on my suggestion to tell Neil to cut his pony tail.

The next morning it was off for pastries to fuel our big day out. Le pain quotidien is a big bakery where you can always get a table (not a guarantee in Surry Hills in a lot of places, and nothing is worse than queuing when ravenous).
It's where Tom, Katie and Suri go for their pastries in NY, and Suri insists on eating hers with chopsticks according to something I read.
I usually get the salmon omelette, and save all the bread to eat with the selection of very yummy jams they give you.

Our breakfast took us through the day, but at around five we got really hungry, and needed a snack. It had been a tough day shopping, and in keeping with our healthy 24 hours, we got pate, chips with aioli and bubbles from an awesome wine bar. What's not to love about that scenario?? Nothing. And we loved it.

The next day we walked over to the art gallery for some crap Dutch exhibition (mainly crap because I got told off by a GERMAN security guard for taking photos - that's my heritage bitch, don't tell me what to do), and then on to Harry's Cafe de Wheels for a pie topped with mash, mushy peas, tomato sauce and gravy. Which is really a great way to make a pie better.

Then a little nod to our favourite princess. We just stumbled upon the Victor Chang Lowy Packer institute without even meaning to, and both of course were aware that Princess Mary had opened the centre, so hunted down the plaque to commemorate the occasion. She wore that nice purple suit at the opening, and Erica Packer wore this stupid porkpie hat and a sleeveless shirt. TO MEET A PRINCESS for christ sakes.

On the way home we walked past one of the houses I love. Sure, it's on a massively busy road opposite the SCG, but it's tall, skinny, is three stories high, and has turret-esque qualities. So cute.

Chinatown fun

Last time I went to Chinatown and the big Asian supermarket I was kicking myself that I didn't take my camera, but Jamie and I were on a mission recently, and camera was in hand.

So this is the supermarket - full of mysterious and tasty treasures. It really is fantastically exciting just walking around looking at things, let alone buying treasures to take home.

Unfortunately I told Jamie we only needed one thing, and he kept me pretty on track, only allowing for slight diversions.
BBQ King is a Sydney institution, and we picked up some BBQ pork for our quay teow (nom nom nom). It's where all the chefs hang out at two in the morning, where you can get any variety of delicious BBQ meat you want, and where I once asked staff what they were eating and when they told me it wasn't on the menu, I got them to write it down (in Chinese characters) and I carry it around in my wallet so I can ask for it every time we go. I think it's stir fried lettuce with crispy skinned pork and tons of garlic, but I can't be sure. And that's all part of the fun.

May I introduce you to Din Tai Fung. It's a global chain, but this is the only one in Australia. And it will change your life. NEVER have I had a dumpling so tasty - get this - there is soup on the inside of the dumpling. You are supposed to stab it to release the soup before you eat it, and then you drink the golden, delicious, oh so tasty broth. I've given it a lot of consideration, and I am willing to say that I think this is my favourite Sydney dining experience.

We ordered this little veggie dumplings for a bit of variety, but I think from now on I'll just stick to the soup dumplings. Not that these weren't awesome, just not as awesome.

This is one of my favourite Chinese dishes, and I make it at home pretty regularly. Not as good as this, but I think I've got the ingredients sussed.

Behold, the soup dumpling. If I could bathe in the warm, hearty, oh so delicious soup, I would. GENIUS.
Tetsuya has been spotted here partaking in the genius, and the SMH food reviewer also raves.
If you are visiting Sydney, you must try it.