Monday, December 31, 2012

Downgraded dinner

Before baby I imagined he'd sleep all day and I'd have loads of time to do lots of fabulous cooking... ummm, turns out not so much.  I cook all his meals in bulk and freeze them, so if I have time during the day, I'm usually doing that.  At the end of the day, after he goes down, I frequently just don't have the time or the inclination to do much in the kitchen for us.  And hubby has requested that I take a bit of pressure off myself and tone it down a bit in the food stakes after he saw me trying to make curry paste when I was dead on my feet one night.  So, I've been trying to do stuff that is easy and quick that is more than just a bit of meat and some veg/salad.  Pasta is of course a major winner, so that's an easy couple of nights a week knocked off.  I've got my trusty scrap books, in which I've printed out, photocopied, written, and stuck in torn out recipes since I moved out of home.  And there are some major winners in there.  Last night I did Allegra Mcevedy's Lebanese Pizza, which is a total winner.  I didn't use pine nuts - almonds instead, and I put some rocket and a dollop of yogurt on top at the end to up the "things that are good for you" factor.  Quick, super tasty, sort of healthy, plus... pizza!  I'm totally into cooking food that is a healthier version of take away food, like making fish and chips at home with oven chips (from scratch) and pan fried fish, this cheats chicken parma (with a fraction of the oil - I just put the breadcrumbs on top at the end without all the oil and cheese and they brown up nicely), and a couple of other tasty pizza recipes I've got up my sleeve.  You get the idea - junk food, but healthier.
And another one worth mentioning for entertaining is Stephanie Alexander's seven hour leg of lamb.  Sure, it requires seven hours, which isn't quick by any stretch of the imagination, but once it's in the oven, you can forget about it, aside from being tortured by slow cooking lamb smells pervading your house.  And it doesn't matter if you or your guests are running late, because you can take it out of the oven whenever you want it and it's still fall apart, melt away amazing.  We've done it pretty much every time we've had people over for lunch since A was born (all of three times).  Total winner.

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