Friday, July 27, 2012

3 months old!

The little guy is three months old today, and has gone up another clothing and nappy size.  I bought him a bunch of new clothes yesterday, and he's looking super cute today.  My favourite item of clothing that I got was a black pair of leggings with ruffles on the bum, but Jamie was adamant they were for girls.  I wasn't sure if I had entirely lost perspective because I love the ruffle bum so much, so I asked my two most trusted advisers on such things, Em and Drew, and both agreed that ruffle bums were indeed for girls.  I'm devastated, and the ruffle bums are going back.  Sigh.  photos from week 6 to week 12 here.  He is getting really into his hands right now and starting to swat at things.  He's also really into me, which, of course, is adorable.  I get the best smiles and coos every day.  I try to get it on camera, but naturally, when I stick this big black thing in his face he's totally intrigued by it and just stares and stops being chatty.
We've started a mums and bubs yoga course, which is nice - the babies just lie on blankets next to your yoga mat and it's really cute.  Of course, half the time is spent settling, or feeding, or making faces, but it's good to have something to get me out of the house and meet other new mums.
I'm feeling more and more confident in taking him out and fitting in what I need to do rather than freaking out that he's going to wake up/ cry/ needs a feed.  We are really so lucky with the baby we have - he's really easy going, and is sleeping like a dream.  The other night he slept for nearly 12 hours, fed, and then went back to sleep for another two hours.  Amazing.  He's down to one feed a night, and I don't mind it at all.  I'd be really sad if he dropped it actually.  As totally mental as it sounds, I like getting up to see him in the middle of the night, all sleepy and kittenish, and snuggling down just us in the chair in his room with the occasional drunk wandering past outside, car doors closing, or rain coming down on the roof.  I know when he does drop that feed, I'll miss it.
We did a weigh in and measure this week - he's 6.6 kilos (75th percentile) and 64 cm long (90th percentile).  I was very proud.  It's crazy to think he's grown so much, but I guess that's what babies do!
Smiley baby!
 Feeding baby.  He curls and uncurls his hands when he's feeding, and sometimes plays with my top or thumps me.
 Sleeping in the carrier with dad... awww

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