Wednesday, January 18, 2012

24 weeks

Things (me) have been growing rapidly lately.  Even just looking back on the pics I posted just a couple of months ago I can't believe how much I've grown.  I'm not sure why I'm surprised, but here I am, six months pregnant.
He's been seriously practicing his kick boxing lately. I love feeling him move, it's just hard not to put my hands on my stomach all the time, or tell everyone in earshot that I just got kicked. So mostly I just give in and do both of the above. The last couple of nights he has been *very* active. It's hilarious thinking about this tiny little baby kicking away with some sort of intent (I'm sure there is none, but I'm imagining there is - la la la, I'm keeping mum up, pow, pow).
My focus is gradually shifting to the fact that we are going to have a baby soon, and trying to get ready for that.  Unfortunately, that also entails giving birth, which I need to really start reading up on and thinking about.  We have a doula, which I'm really pleased we did.  She dropped over about 10 books yesterday on birth, so I'll have a look through those and see what grabs me.  I really like the idea of someone being there with us the whole time who knows what they are doing and who has seen it all before.  Even more when they are a trained counsellor and know how to calm down hysterical screaming women in labour.  Sure, I'll be in a hospital and have an obstetrician, but they don't stay with you through your labour, and I really want that extra support, especially if I need it.  I'm trying to be positive about it all though.  Buuuut enough about that.
This week, the Wheaters brought over presents in the form of cute baby clothes!
How awesome is all this stuff???  Ahem, especially note the furry hooded jacket on the right.  IT HAS EARS ON THE HOOD.  Cutest thing ever.


  1. Marsha, you look absolutely gorgeous! Your little boy suits you in there :-) I'm with you on the kicks, I love them so much too and they keep getting bigger... when you start feeling them rolling around and giant feet prodding your sides or ribcage you can almost picture the little baby in there! I love the bits from the Wheaters, boys stuff is so bright and fun! I'm loving my girls stuff too, but it's very pink and pastel over here hehe Glad to hear you're loving it! xoxo
