Thursday, September 20, 2012

I just found this in my draft post folder...

I must have written it intending to post it when I got past 12 weeks and then totally forgot.
I still remember feeling like this so clearly.  It also seems like a lifetime ago.  And what I didn't know then, but knew would somehow fall in place is that I'd end up with my little Arch, and everything would be ok.  But it's a pretty terrifying road getting there.

Last week I found out I'm pregnant.  It still feels weird to write that.  Like I'm a fraudster in the mystical world of pregnant ladies.  It shouldn't have been at all surprising, but it still surprised the crap out of me.  There were no serenely shed tears tears of joy, or thoughtfully wrapped pregnancy tests presented in a romantic way, just a muttered "holy shit" from me, and a husband trying to force me to drink more water so I could do another pee test.
It felt really surreal.  Everything else was the same - we were in our house, on our couch, watching our TV, doing what we always do, but I am pregnant.  
The signs were there - the most clear of which being that I didn't feel like a second glass of pink Taltarni last Friday night.  I don't know that has EVER happened before.  Naturally, I went on oblivious in to the weekend - off to have my hair dyed, eat sashimi, and drink whisky sours (which contain the very baby unfriendly combination of both raw egg yolk and whisky).  Really, that happened.
God, there is SO much I need to know.  And I have to make a decision really soon, like within weeks, about where and how I want to give birth.  Private, public, private patient in public hospital, birth centre etc.
I'm feeling cautious about it all because it's so early, but I also feel like I have a little bond already with the.  But already I can't get enough of rubbing my belly (which is absolutely no bigger than it has ever been) I am TERRIBLE at keeping secrets though.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Where does the time go?

Seriously - where have the last two months gone?  I feel like I'm an ostrich just pulling my head out of the sand and re-engaging with the world a bit.  I used to read the newspapers every day and watch the news every night - now major stuff happens and I'm all "oh, really?  When did that happen?"  And then I start telling people about things that I think are obscure, when in fact they have been front page news for a week.  Thank god for the ipad and iphone - the one media outlet I haven't been neglecting is the Daily Mail, so I'm up to speed on celebrity pregnancies, weight loss/gain and other assorted scandals that are somehow more important for me to know about than world events.  What did people do when they were feeding before these gadgets??  Or just in general?
So, Archie is great - really smiley and chatty.  He's sleeping in his own room now, which was hard for the first night (lots of tears from me, none from him - he's over me already), but it is actually so nice to have our room back and to be able to turn on the light when going to bed and not have to tiptoe around.
I did a 9k run on the weekend, which I have been training for since I got the clear to run again 6 weeks post baby.  It was a bit of a battle, especially the last 2k, and I did it way slower than I did two years ago, but hey, I did it, and I did kind of just have a baby, so you know, snaps for me.
I feel like Arch and I have really found our groove with each other lately.    
Cute pic from fathers day: