Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Products that change your life

In the ongoing series of products that change your life (which so far consists only of microplane graters), there are two recent additions to our household which deserve a shout out.
The first, a Dyson vacuum cleaner:
I have always been a big fan of Miele appliances, and used a trusty hand me down Miele from my mum for years.  It finally died, and I was tasked with buying a new one.  PROMISING not to buy the most expensive one in the shop (ie. a Dyson), I dispatched myself to Bing Lee in hunt of a new vacuum cleaner.  And they were having a car park sale, where Dyson's were half price!!!  Yes!!!  Awesome.  So, how could I not?  I didn't even enter the shop.
It is UNBELIEVABLE how much dirt this sucked out of our rugs the first time I used it.  I had to wave around the plastic container that collects the dirt in Jamie's face to get the message across to him.  And talk about it for three hours.  Really, they are just incredible.
The second thing that has changed out lives recently is a wool underlay on our bed.  Does the rest of the world know about this??  Why has no one every told me before?  It's waaarm in winter and apparently cool in summer, and it makes the mattress sooooft, and it's lovely and I highly recommend to anyone.  We got ours at the Sheridan outlet on Foveaux St (half price).  Jamie thought it was totally stupid, but he's also majorly converted to the fan club.  In the middle of the night a couple of nights ago, he was all "this underlay is really great isn't it".  Uh huh.  It sure is honey.

Friday, July 15, 2011

True Blood sex index

If you are a fan of True Blood, which ah most definitely ahm, you will really apprecite this table chronicling who has had the most sex in what kinds of different ways (shower, biting, homosexual, etc).  And who would have thought Tara would come out on top.  So to speak.
CAN'T WAIT for season 4 to arrive in Australia.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Picnic en masse

I really love this story about 10,000 people turning up to an unadvertised, word of mouth picnic in Paris.  All dressed in white no less.  I'd be totally jelly if there was one on in Sydney and I didn't get an invite.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Emotions with John Hamm

Generally speaking, I am a fan of the Hamm, but this fan is committed.  And the resulting blog is hilarious - Emotions with John Hamm.  A journey through the spectrum of human feeling.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Bad blogger!

So I've written my travel posts a hundred times in my head: amusing anecdotes, insightful observations, and riveting reading galore. I just have been too lazy to do it. BAD BLOGGER.
So to sum it up, it was most definitely a four part trip. We started out in Holland, where my parents are from, and have an apartment, so we totally felt like locals. The town where the apartment is (Roosendal) is the town where my dad grew up, and he showed us where he went to school, where he and mum used to live when first dating and we rode bikes around to visit family and see local sights. Lots of fun, and I got to fill in some of the blanks of my own family history, which at times seems so far removed from me. I'm entirely sure that both my parents have been instrumental in my attitude to preparing and eating food, so that was a very important part of the trip. And we haven't seen my parents for about 18 months, so there was lots of catching up to do. And eating. Oh, the eating.
I'm trying to keep myself to one photo of each location or I'll do a blog post with 360 pics... So this is the Holland pic. Kinda sums it up well.

From Holland, Jamie and I caught the train to Paris for four nights. We spent that time walking, walking and more walking. Also a ton of eating (what a surprise). We stayed at the most amazing hotel just off the boulevard st germain. Hotel d'aubisson rocked my world, I cannot recommend it highly enough. Amazing rooms, amazing location, amazing staff, and we will be back any chance we get.
On the first day I accidentally ordered veal head terrine, got abused by a motor cyclist who nearly ran me over, and got told off by a man in a cheese shop for touching and smelling things. Siiigh. But I recovered well.
We had a mixture of hits and misses with meals. Some were gimmicky and average, some were amazing. The blockbuster meal we went for was at the sister restaurant of chateaubriand (which is in the top 15 restaurants in the world accruing to the San Pelligrino list, and which we couldn't get into, even with three months notice). The restaurant is called Le Daupin, and while it was better than good, given we were in Paris, and it was food by one of the best chefs in THE WORLD, it was just ok. My favorite meal was on our last night, at a la petite chaise. I had French onion soup, and then a steak tartare. So awesome. Full of locals and just fantastic (thanks The Guardian, for your recommendation).
This is us in the courtyard of our hotel after dinner one night. The barman was a hilarious campy man, who insisted on climbing up on the fountain to take this pic, because we'd look skinner form that angle. And we do.

After Paris, we caught the train to the south of France, where we met up with the parentals again, and spent a week in a GORGEOUS villa in a little French village. We ate amazingly, with a view over the mediterranean, a beautiful private garden, and blissful country noises wafting up to us.
We did day trips to St Tropez, Monaco, wine country and the beach. If I wasn't me, I'd hate me.
This was the view from our bedroom... We got the place off the website vbro, and we'll totally use it again.

After France, Jamie and I hired a car and spent a week in Italy. We went to Portofino, Lake Como (George Clooney broke up with his GF the week after we were there... Just saying), and Venice for a night.
I loved Portofino for it's smallness and stunning setting, Lake Como for it's grandness and majesty, and Venice for it's sheer improbability and ability to endure 5000000000 tourists every day.
Naturally, we ate amazingly the whole time, and were home all too soon.
This is us leaving Venice, full of end of holiday blues, but so happy for the memorable and delicious time we had.