Saturday, March 14, 2009

Madame Butterfly

Last night we went to Madame Butterfly at the Opera House! Fun. I think that walking up and down the stairs at the OH is as good as anything that goes on inside it. You so get the "Sydney rocks and we are totally lucky" feeling.

So anyway, we were the second last row from the back - at least we weren't the back, and it was still great. My only complaint is that the woman sitting next to me had clearly recently put on fake tan and I could smell it through the whole performance. Ugh.

Anyway - love, lies, and a dramatic suicide. It had it all.
Here's me out the front. I need to get a new camera...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

One week to Perth

This time next week I'll be packing my bags to head over to Perth for Emma and Murray's wedding!!!! EEEkkkk, so exciting. I'm totally looking forward to having a week with Em to hang out and help out with some last minute wedding stuff. I know it's going to be a totally beautiful wedding and it will be amazing to watch two such good friends marry each other. It's going to be the best day.
I'm a bridesmaid, and can't wait to wear my maids outfit! Long black maxi dress, vaguely floral and kind of Asian-esque printed shoes (with a really high heel), and a chunky necklace that teams with the theme... but I'll save pics of it all for after the big day. It's going to be amazing.


The second hand/ vintage clothing thing really isn't my caper, but wandering through the markets on the weekend which happen in the park near us, I spotted this little gem. It's Oroton, silk AND has horse motifs all over it!!

How much for this little lady I hear you ask - $10!!! Yes, that's right. A total bargain. Which is what we all need in touch economic times. And everyone knows the best way to pep up a tired outfit is some exciting accessories. It got it's first wear to work today. My personal favourite detail is the little horsies around the border... Giddyup!!!

Oh - the picture quality isn't great because my camera has died and I was using Jamie's blackberry to take the pics.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Blake and Roz wedding

You may recall Blake and Roz got a shout out at our wedding for being married a week. We unfortunatley missed their wedding, but when they came over for lunch on the weekend, they borught some wedding pics and music from their wedding! So I'm listening to the music now and thought I'd put up a couple of their pics. Both just looked stunning and it looks like it was an amazing wedding.

The lovely couple...

The kids got maried up near the Hawkesbury, and I love the beautiful lace on Roz's dress. The geometric pattern and scalloping are so lovely on her.Our wedding needed more animals...

I think you can totally get the vibe of the night from this pic - it looks so pretty, intimate, fun and warm.

Duck and bunny pie

Nom, nom, nom... We had Blake and Roz over for lunch on Saturday, and have long been talking up a duck and bunny pie which we made last year, and was totally ace.

The meat has to cook for four hours before you shred it, so I got up at 7:30 on Saturday morning with a roaring hangover to brown the meat before sticking it in the oven for the rest of the morning. This is the result when it came out, and it totally melted off the bone.
I wanted to take a picture of the finished product, but I couldn't find my camera and we were all hungry, but I assure you it was really good (turns out I put the camera in my handbag).
This is the meat all shredded up, and then basically you add heaps of herbs and top it off with pastry (I used pre-made, I couldn't face suet with my lack of restraint the previous night still lingering).
With a rocket and parme salad, eight hours later we were still sitting around the kitchen table. We had to make a couple of dashes to the bottleshop to replenish supplies, and had an excellent afternoon. Good times.

Buttons comes for a sleep over!!

Everyone's favourite dog with attitude came for a sleep over on Saturday night. Fun times!

Spare room done at last!

After the spare room became a bit of a tip, we decided to get it into shape. We bought some tall white bookshelves and FINALLY got all the books out from under the bed which got shoved there when we moved. Also a new white blind, and bedside light, so now our visitors will be even more comfortable. It looks so much better!!