Thursday, January 20, 2011

The evil twin won.

Just. Purchased.
Thank you in advance to all the parties that are making it possible to get it to me.  God speed.

Eating happy meat

In this article, a former vegetarian argues that by "opting in" to eating organic, happy meat, you do far more to help stamp out cruelty, hormones, and antibiotics, than you do by being vegetarian.  I like her argument.  And I for one am happy to pay more for meat I know has been treated well.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Kitchen tools that change your life

There are few things that I'd absolutely endorse as life changers in the kitchen, bit Microplane graters are one of them.  I have two in fact - fine and medium, and they are both in heavy use.  I was fascinated to read that they started out as carpentry tools, and the founders were totally pissed off when they heard people were using them in the kitchen.  Now they've embraced the kitchen uses, and are also making useful things such as surgical tools that grind bone.  Seriously, if you haven't tried one of these, you need to.  It will change your life, I promise.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

J'adore this family portrait of the Danish royals

Princess Isabella looks like she's full of sass, and Mary looks amazing (wearing her wedding tiara - hey, I'd clean in it if I had a real tiara).  And for a peek at the recently renovated palace, soon to welcome new twins home, click here!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

December in pictures

I'm not a crafty or creative person by ANY means, but this is just about the best thing I've ever made that I can't eat.  Three Christmases ago, I spent HOURS cutting out christmas shapes (I had to trace them, it wasn't anything remotely as talented as drawing) and strung them up across our doorways and windows.  I think they look great, and they came out again for a showing this year.
I somehow managed to talk Jamie into stopping into a Christmas shop on the way home from Dan Murphy's in early December.  These bows caught my eye immediately, and have adorned our front door since.  I'd kind of like to permanently keep them there.... so pretty.
 We went to Eveleigh farmers markets with our special weekend friend, and had a great time.  I like these markets, and they are on every weekend.
 Plus they are under cover, so perfect for miserable days.
We went to Perth to surprise Drew for his housewarming (Liam knew).  Unsurprisingly, the Christmas tree was large, beautiful, and had lots of presents underneath it.
 Our own Christmas tree was not so large.  But we had lots of pressies under it, which made it look great.
 It was our wedding anniversary.  The second wedding anniversary is cotton, so we got a canvas with this fun kitchen print stretched - brocooli! green bits! and it now hangs in the kitchen.  The orange print with bulls that used to be in the kitchen is now in the living room.
 We had Christmas at the Wheaters.  Ham, turkey, stuffing, sides. All delicious.  Meat from Hudsons, and they did a great job.
 The Wheater family were great hosts.  And Bunny is getting cuter by the day.  She wore an outfit that mum bought for her before she was even born!  So crazy to think of Em showing me the outfit before anyone had even met Bunny.
And, then, quicker than you can blink an eye, the year was over.  We celebrated with four kinds of cheeses, left over ham, pate and champagne on the back deck.  Finished off season three of Mad Men, and went to bed before midnight.  And unlike Christmas Day, I didn't end up on the street in my pyjamas at two in the morning yelling at drunks who live across the road.  So it was our perfect kind of new years.  Just so I could feel smug all day, and say things like "start the year as you intend to continue it" I was up early this morning, and went for a run.  Happy new year everyone. x